surveyor's report


  • The surveyor 's report was lodged with the building society .

    测量 报告 存在建房互助会。

  • According to the surveyor 's report the damage was due to rough ( careless ) handling during transit .

    根据 检查员 报告,损坏是由于运输中操作不小心形成的。

  • For further particulars we refer you to the surveyor 's report enclosed .

    有关其他细节,请参照随函所附 检验 检验 报告

  • Sammy : Fine . Also would you mind if I asked to see a surveyor 's report of your products ? I may have a few more questions about your quality analysis .

    很好。还有,您不介意我要求看 一下产品 检查 报告吧,对你们的质量分析我可能还有一些问题。

  • Enclosed is the surveyor 's report on the three damaged cases .

    内附有 鉴定人对这破损的三箱 货物 鉴定 报告

  • The surveyor 's report didn 't highlight anything untoward

    勘测 报告没有指明有任何麻烦问题。