
[ˌsjuprəˈnæʃənəl, -ˈnæʃnəl][ˌsu:prəˈnæʃnəl]


  • It is the national supervisor not a supranational mediator who would be held responsible for the losses .

    这是因为,要对相关损失负责的是各国的监管者,而不是 国家的调解人。

  • The EU marries the supranational and the national .

    欧盟将 国家 权力与国家主权结合起来。

  • Supranational intervention in economic is natural expansion and certainty of historical development under the background of economic globalization .

    摘要 国家干预经济,是在经济全球化日益发展的背景下 国家干预经济的自然延伸,是历史发展的必然。

  • Yet after a half dozen supranational attempts to instil order within the sovereign nations of the EU the markets are clearly not listening .

    虽然欧盟实施了多项 超出 国家 范畴 举措,试图帮助其内部主权国家恢复秩序,但市场显然并不理会。

  • The EU is a regional human community which is supranational and trans-governmental politically ;

    欧盟是一个兼有 国家政治成分和政府间政治成分的区域性人们共同体;

  • The myth of the dumb and dangerous other across the ocean served a transparent purpose in the elite European project of building a common supranational identity .

    大西洋彼岸那些人愚蠢而危险,这种荒诞的说法明显服务于构建共同的、 国家认同感的欧洲上层计划。

  • This means that supranational action is needed .

    这意味着,我们必须采取 国家行动。

  • In such circumstances it is no longer fanciful to imagine that this unique experiment in supranational governance could yet rupture .

    在这种情况下,认为这种独特的 国家治理试验可能失败的想法,已不再是幻想。

  • Supranational Law and National Law : Relationship between the European Law and National Laws of Member States


  • I would be in favour of a low financial transaction tax w_1600 Mr Harding said if part of it was used to finance more supranational regulation of markets .

    哈丁表示:如果税收收入的一部分用于资助更多 国家的市场监管,我会赞同较低税率(的金融交易税)。

  • It has no divine right to exist and must demonstrate why Asia needs a new supranational financial intermediary .

    该行的存在不是一项 天赋神权,它必须证明为何亚洲需要一个 超越 国家 层面的新型金融中介机构。

  • While the discussion will include supranational vehicles ( like an expanded role for the special drawing rights ) the more interesting question is the broader use of currencies like the Chinese yuan .

    尽管这场讨论将包括 国家工具(例如特别提款权的作用扩大),但更令人感兴趣的问题是人民币等货币的更广泛应用。

  • Her ideas were more supranational than governments – above all the US – could bear .

    她的 国家观点超过了各国政府(特别是美国政府)所能容忍的限度。

  • We need colleges of regulators not new supranational regulators as some in the European Union propose .

    我们需要监管者的团体,但不是像欧盟提议的那些新的“ 国家监管者”。

  • EU 's governance structure shows the following features : pluralistic in authority resources supranational and multiple .

    欧盟的治理结构体现为权威来源的多样性、 国家性和多层性特征。

  • Despite different economic interests member countries are more likely to accept the kind of supranational statutory mechanism rejected at global level .

    虽然各成员国有着不同的经济利益,但它们更可能接受在全球层面上难以接受的 国家法律机制。

  • How sound was Lewis D'Orsey 's instinct about supranational corporation ?

    刘易斯?多尔西对 公司的直觉有几分正确性?

  • Effect should nevertheless be given to those mandatory rules of national supranational and international law which according to the relevant rules of private international law are applicable irrespective of the law governing the contract .

    然而,当国内的、 国家的和国际的强制法依据相关的国际私法规则可得适用时,效力应该赋予这些强制性规则,而不考虑约束该合同的法律。

  • As a supranational body designed to overcome national jealousies the EU is vulnerable to a backlash in one or other member .

    欧盟成立的初衷就是为了建立一个 超越 国家 民族的机构,克服各国之间的嫉妒。而如今看来,欧盟成为了某些成员国积极反对的对象。

  • Government failure and global problems which hold back the world development however have maken it possible for INGOs ( also called supranational actors ) to develop so qucikly .

    但是,政府失灵和全球问题对世界发展的危害程度逐步加深使国际非政府组织等 国家行为体的迅猛发展成为了可能。

  • The EU law neither traditional international law nor national law has the character of the supranational law .

    欧盟法具有 国家法的特点,不是传统意义上的国际法,也不是国家法。

  • A supranational purpose might exists in Brussels but not on the European street .


  • Supranational government is based on the forms of agreement .


  • The doctrine of state sovereignty replaced the waning supranational authority of the church .

    国家主权至上原则取代了教会日渐式微的 国家权威。

  • While it is not supranational as the European Union is in certain areas the WTO can impose consequences on those failing to meet their obligations .

    尽管wto不是 国家 组织(欧盟在一些领域是 国家 组织),但它能够对那些未能履行义务的 国家造成影响。

  • Now instead of the Empires we have the Multinational Corporations a kind of Supranational system that rules the WTO in other word nothing changed from the ancient age .

    如今,这三大帝国被作为 国家体系的多国社团所取代,换言之,从古时起WTO的性质没有任何改变。

  • The European Parliament has been evolving from a common assembly to a supranational parliament but with limited powers .

    欧洲议会由一个坛大会逐渐演化成一个 国家 型态但是权利受限的议会。

  • The EU 's common currency requires both supranational and national supervision of fiscal policy .

    由于欧盟采用单一货币,因此财政政策都应在 国家和国家 之上两个 层面得到监督。

  • The union could remain a predominantly intergovernmental association or acquire supranational functions .

    欧盟可能将仍是一个影响力很大的政府间机构,或是获得 超越 国家的职能。