swan boat

[swɑn bot][swɔn bəut]


  • A swan who fell in love with a swan-shaped paddle boat has been moved to a zoo with his plastic lover .

    天鹅爱上了一只长得像天鹅的明 轮船。现在该 天鹅已和其 塑料爱人”一并被送到一间动物园。

  • A swan in Germany has apparently fallen in love - with a swan-shaped paddle boat .

    天工造物,无奇不有。德国的一 黑天鹅最近竟然爱上了一 天鹅形状的 小船

  • A swan has fallen in love with a plastic swan-shaped paddle boat on a pond in a German town and has spent the past three weeks flirting with the vessel .

    德国一个小镇上的一 天鹅爱上了一艘天鹅形状的脚踏 ,过去三周他一直和这只船调情。