suppressing agent


  • For improving the suppressing efficiency of water mist the compound additives agent is added into water mist and the studying of the interaction of water mist and kerosene pool fire with compound additives agents was carried .

    为了进一步提高细水雾 灭火效率,在细水雾中加入复合 添加剂,开展了含复合添加剂细水雾与煤油池火相互作用研究。

  • Methods : The sample being digested with HNO_3 with nickel nitrate as interference suppressing agent under 283.3 nm the lead was determined with Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorbance Spectrometry .

    方法:羰基铁经硝酸消解后,以硝酸镍为基体 改进剂,在 283.3nm波长处用石墨炉原子吸收法测定铅含量。