


  • The study adopted the supraliminal Priming test and projective test to discuss the implicit attribution .

    本研究采用 启动方法和投射方法,对内隐归因进行了探讨。

  • Direct comparison of the effect size between supraliminal and subliminal stimulus under EC effect are rare .

    直接对比 和阈下EC效应量大小的研究更少。

  • Subliminal affective priming has two different meanings : ( 1 ) First meaning refers to the phenomenon where subliminal presentation of a prime object shifts subsequent affective evaluation of the supraliminal object in the affective direction of the prime object .

    阈下情绪启动包括2种含义:(1)指的是阈下呈现的情绪启动 刺激 使得个体在对其后 呈现的目标 刺激进行情绪判断时 出现与启动刺激情绪性质趋于一致的现象。

  • Whether EC effect can be consciously corrected is a problem that few researches focus on . No researches emphasis on the comparison of correcting effect between subliminal EC and supraliminal EC .

    关于EC的影响能否被意识所纠正的研究也不多,更少有研究关注阈下EC效应能否被意识纠正,几乎没有研究对阈上和 下EC效应的纠正进行比较研究。

  • Neural Processing of Emotional Words in Supraliminal and Subliminal Conditions : Analysis of Spatiotemporal Patterns of ERPs


  • They were required to complete facial expression recognition tasks after subliminal and supraliminal positive or negative words priming .

    研究 选取 198 ,要求 分别在阈下和 积极词和消极词启动条件下,完成表情识别任务。

  • Some behavioral experimental results suggested both qualitative and quantitative differences exist between subliminal ( unconscious ) and supraliminal ( conscious ) perceptions .

    基于行为方法的实验提示无意识(阈下)知觉和 意识性( )知觉具有质和量的差异, 神经 机制 仍未 澄清

  • The results showed that the EC effect can be awareness corrected and the corrective effect is stronger in supraliminal condition .

    结果发现EC效应可以被意识纠正,而且 水平的纠正效应强于 下水平的纠正效应, 甚至 发生矫枉过正 现象