wire service

[waɪr 'sɝvɪs][ˈwaiə ˈsɜːvɪs]


  • It is the main material barrier for producing wire rods that the service life of cold-hardening low-alloy cast iron rollers for wire rods is very short because of serious wear .

    低合金冷硬铸铁线材轧辊磨损严重、 寿命过短是影响 线材生产的主要材料障碍。

  • Present Situation and Prospect or Wire Rope for Oil-field Service

    油田 钢丝绳的现状及展望

  • The design of NOAA weather wire service monitoring software

    NOAA天气 电报 业务监视软件的设计

  • The effect of recrystallization behavior of doped w stranded wire on service life of metallized coils

    掺杂钨 绞丝再结晶行为对真空喷镀用绞丝螺圈 寿命的影响

  • You can wire a reference to a service with an EJB binding although this is not a typical use case .

    您可以使用EJB绑定将引用 连接服务,不过这并不是典型用例。

  • Note : The-d option is used to display the SOAP wire dumps during service execution if needed .

    注意:-d选项用于在 服务执行期间显示SOAP 连接转储(如果需要)。

  • Not only the soft starter could decrease starting current reduce shock on electrified wire netting and prolong the service life of motor and other equipment but also it could eliminate thoroughly the water-hammer in pipes .

    它不仅降低电动机起动电流、减少对 电网的冲击、能延长电动机及相关设备 使用寿命,而且软停车功能,从根本上消除管道中的水锤现象。

  • Xinhua the official wire service called the decision a despicable breach of faith in international relations .

    官方 通讯 新华社报道,所谓的决定“在国际关系中是违反诚信的卑劣行为。”

  • The Reuters wire service also uses a mixed model in its Web offerings .

    路透社在网络 服务中也采用这种模式。

  • the design scheme of the weather wire service monitoring software and the processing method for the main technique problems in software design are presented and described in this paper .

    讨论了天气 电报 业务监视软件的设计方案;并叙述该软件设计中主要技术问题的处理方法。

  • Ground the water heater by connecting a grounding wire from the electrical service ground terminal to the green grounding screw in the junction box of the water heater .

    通过将电气部件上的 地端子 连接到热水器接线盒里绿色接地螺丝上,实现热水器的接地。

  • The new development of weather wire service in U. S. A.

    本文介绍美国天气 电报 业务在90年代的新发展;

  • Prestressed wire strands service under high stresses the stress corrosion should be a important factor that affects the service life of the wire strands and thereby of the structure engineering .

    预应力 绞线在高应力状态下 服役,应力腐蚀将直接影响其使用寿命从而影响建筑工程的寿命。

  • The wire mesh network service platform is from the wire mesh industry Anping actual situation Business combination transaction management features designed to service .

    丝网网络信息 服务平台是从安平丝网行业的实际情况出发,结合企业交易管理的特点设计的服务系统,为丝网企业的网上交易提供了买卖双方的信息服务。

  • Improvement of Steel Wire Rope Service in Ship Unloader by Enhancing Lubrication

    加强润滑改善卸船机起升 钢丝绳的 使用效果

  • Berkshire Hathaway is pleased to announce that Todd Combs will soon be joining Berkshire as an investment manager read a terse press release on Business Wire a Berkshire-owned information service .

    伯克希尔哈撒韦公司高兴地宣布,托德康姆斯(ToddCombs)很快就会加入我们,成为我们的投资经理,伯克希尔旗下信息 服务公司美国商业资讯(Business Wire)发布的简短新闻稿如是说。

  • Ons aims to provide info users with a balanced Games news file of professional wire service standard written in clear concise language that keeps the media informed of games developments to help them achieve the best possible coverage .

    奥林匹克 新闻 服务旨在运用清晰、简洁的语言,为所有奥运会信息系统的使用者提供中立客观的新闻报道素材,这可以使媒体及时获悉奥运会赛事的进展状况,协助他们完成最佳的报道。

  • You use an assembly diagram to wire your service components together within a module .

    组装关系图用来将模块中 服务组件 连接到一起。

  • To introduce the wire rope structure and service life situation of solid polymer covered and filled rope for electric shovel in China .

    介绍我国电铲用填塑 钢丝绳的结构、 使用寿命等情况,剖析进口电铲用填塑 钢丝绳的结构参数。

  • Cause of Logging Wire Breakdown in Service Prolonging Service Life of Metallic Wire Cloth

    录井 钢丝使用中发生断裂原因的分析延长金属针布使用寿命的讨论

  • Some papers rely on recycled wire service reports .

    一些报社靠的则是把 通讯 的报道加工利用。

  • Online wire transfer service raised $ 204 million in October 2010 pricing at $ 13 per share .

    这家在线 电汇 服务公司在2010年10月通过首次公开募股募得资金2.04亿美元。

  • Studying about Factors of Impacts on Steel Wire Rope Service Life and Measures to Improve Lifetime Extension of Steel Wire Rope

    影响起升 钢丝使用寿命的因素及改进措施

  • By analyzing the reliability and economy of aerial insulated conductor ( i.e. aerial cable ) are much better than bare wire in service .

    通过对10kV架空绝缘导线(以下简称架空电缆)性能分析,指出架空电缆在线路运行中的可靠性、经济性以及架设施工、 维修便利等方面都优于裸 导线

  • Detective System of Broken Steel Wire Rope in Service Based on Mixed Signal Microcontroller

    基于混合信号处理器的在 钢丝绳断 检测系统

  • To introduce the effect of the diameter materials and groove type of pulley the corrosion and abrasion of wire rope the steel wire strength in rope on service life of wire rope during the use of wire rope for crane and transport .

    介绍起重运输机械钢丝绳使用中滑轮直径、材料和槽型,钢丝绳的腐蚀和磨损,绳中 钢丝强度对钢丝绳 使用寿命的影响。

  • The test results show that the zinc coat loss can be reduced as pass draughts increase by raising work cone angle rationally and reducing the bearing length but which has not obvious effect on the mechanical properties of finished steel wire and the service life of die .

    试验结果表明部分压缩率增大时,合理增大工作锥角度、减少定径带长度,可减少锌层质量损失,而对成品 钢丝的力学性能和模子 寿命影响不明显。

  • The Service Component Architecture ( SCA ) assembly model offers you the ability to assemble and wire service components using commonly used programming languages .

    服务组件体系结构(ServiceComponentArchitecture,SCA)组装模型提供了使用常用编程语言组装和 连接 服务组件的能力。

  • The ultimate aim of wire rope nondestructive testing ( NDT ) is to obtain the residual strength of wire ropes in service and then to decide their retirement dates and the quantitative testing of wire rope defects is prerequisite to this aim .

    钢丝绳无损检测以判别在 钢丝绳的残余强度(承载能力)、确定其更换日期为最终目标,而缺陷的定量检测是实现该目标的前提。