wiring scheme

[ˈwaɪrɪŋ skim][ˈwaɪərɪŋ ski:m]


  • The common mathod used in comparing the main wiring scheme of power plants and substations is to make technic and economic comparison under a promise of ensuring essential reliability .

    对发电厂变电所的电气主 接线 方案进行比较时,普遍采用的是在保证可靠性的前提下,作技术经济比较。

  • Therefore choose positive and negative voltage regulating scheme as main circuit wiring scheme of on-load tap changer .

    因此最终选择了正反调压方案作为有载分接开关的主电路 接线 方案

  • Furthermore the article gives the wiring scheme which connects PLC with field signals and controls function-flow chart which supports the system working technically .

    给出了PLC与现场信号的 接线 和控制功能流程图,为系统的实现提供了技术支持。

  • In the power system planning geographical wiring diagram is usually used to show the macro impression of design scheme and makes the comparisons between different schemes .

    在电力系统规划工作中常采用地理 接线图的形式表现规划设计 方案的宏观印象,进行不同方案之间的对比。

  • He examined the wiring scheme carefully .

    他仔细检查 线路

  • Introduces precise base and premise of power supply mode of residential district . Selective and analyzes main wiring equipment selection its reliability safety and economic index of various power supply mode scheme according to district scale .

    介绍了住宅小区供电模式确定的依据和前提条件,按照小区规模对各种供电模式 方案的主 接线、设备选型及其可靠性、安全性、经济指标进行了选择分析。

  • This paper introduces the general arrangement and the wiring scheme design of the two-way DC power distributing cabinet and expounds the design of the key techniques such as the conductive performance electrical insulation performance and dielectric strength .

    主要介绍了双路直流电源分配柜的总体布局及 布线 方案设计,同时阐述了关键技术&导电性能、电绝缘性能、绝缘强度的设计。

  • The principle and wiring ways are analyzed and proposes to improve a scheme .

    分析了Y- 降压 起动 电机的原理、 接线方案并提出了改进 方案

  • So this thesis surrounds faulty model building and protection principle for new converter transformer to develop following work : The wiring scheme structure type and operating principle are studied in detail .

    因此本论文围绕着新型换流变压器的故障建模和保护原理开展了下面的研究工作:详细研究了新型换流变压器的 接线 方案、结构型式及其工作原理。

  • To simplify the secondary wiring and control of high-voltage circuit breaker an improved control scheme based on PLC ( Programmable Logic Controller ) is presented .

    针对高压断路器控制及信号回路二次 接线较复杂的情况,改进控制 方法,利用可编程逻辑控制器PLC(ProgrammableLogicController)实现对其控制。

  • Radio-equipped vehicle wiring scheme

    配备 无线电设备的车辆

  • Wiring scheme Meaning Negotiating Mechanism in Collaborative Concept Mapping

    电气 配线图( 示意图)协同概念构图 系统中的意义协商机制

  • The methods and measures for eliminating ferroresonance were analyzed and compared . It is pointed out that the optimal wiring scheme of 4 TV is the most effective measure for eliminating resonance and restraining low frequency oscillation . ()

    文章对消除铁磁谐振的方法措施进行了分析比较,认为采用优化4TV 接线 方案是消除谐振和抑制低频振荡最有效的措施。

  • It is pointed out that out of order protection has engineering application value when the wiring is accurate and design scheme is reasonable .

    指出失灵保护只要在 工程接线准确、设计 方案合理, 就能有效地防止 、误 就能快速而有选择地 切除 故障,具有工程实用价值。

  • Discussion on 3 / 2 connection T wiring short-lead zone protection scheme in 500 kV substation

    500kV变电站3/2 接线T区短引线保护 方案探讨

  • Research of Optimized Wiring Technological Scheme on Center of Material Taking Machine

    取料机中心 方式优化技术 方案研究

  • The different aspects of advantages and shortcomings were compared and analyzed for 10 kinds of electrical main wiring scheme of Three-Gorge power station from the point of view of reliability . The enforcement scheme was carried out integration analysis and discussion .

    从可靠性的角度计算、比较和分析了三峡电站电气主 接线10种待选 方案在不同方面的优劣,并对选择的实施方案进行了综合分析和讨论。

  • I 'll take you but your sister changed the wiring scheme . it 's one of her fail-safes .

    我会带上你,但是你妹妹把 排线给改了。这是她的保险。

  • In view of the actuating-tripping fault of water-break protection of water-cooled generator the irrational wiring design and the incorrect setting of alarming and blocking of Water-break protection of generator were found through analysis and thus the improvement scheme was proposed .

    文章针对水冷发电机断水保护动作跳闸故障分析,发现了断水保护的 接线设计不合理和发电机断水保护报警及闭锁设置错误,并提出改进 方案