


  • Although the services value of swampland and temperate grasslands are high per unit area their value has little importance to the grassland ecosystem in Xinjiang due to their small area .

    沼泽和温性草甸草原虽然单位面积服务价值很高,但在草地生态系统中所 的地位很低。

  • It also can be used on the ice surface swampland and where after debris flow happens .

    也可以作为冰面、 沼泽 、泥石流 环境下的 救援器材。

  • Considered by many naturalists to be one of the most pristine swampland habitats in the United States .

    被很多自然学家认为是美国最原始的 沼泽 动物栖息地之一。

  • I will turn her into a place for owls and into swampland ; I will sweep her with the broom of destruction declares the Lord almighty .

    我必使巴比伦为 箭猪 所得,又变为 水池。我要用灭亡的扫帚扫 他。这是万军之耶和华说的。

  • Investigation on swampland resources of Xinjiang

    新疆 沼泽资源考察

  • The area of gobi and swampland decreased correspondingly less ;

    戈壁、 沼泽 面积减少幅度相对较小;

  • Construction Technology of Large Diameter Pipeline in Swampland

    大口径长输管道在 沼泽 地段的施工

  • The problem was we got lost in swampland and had to go back .

    问题是,我们在 沼泽 ,于是不得不 重新折回。

  • Field test shows that the swamp workover rig has strong ability to move in swampland its operating efficiency is high and less auxiliary equipments and personnel are needed .

    现场试验表明,滩涂修井机 涉水 越野能力强,作业效率高,作业所需辅助设备及人员少。

  • And then there was another crazy idea of building a capital on a square of swampland that seemed mainly to be a boondoggle for wealthy land speculators at the time .

    此外,还有一个疯狂的搬迁首都例子,就是在一片 沼泽 上建立一个都城,这在当时看来简直就是有钱的土地投机商的异想天开。