swallow's nest

[医]小脑禽巢:同nidus avis

  • It is not merely a swallow 's nest however but also a good place for the neo-generation-us to gathers .

    但这不仅仅是一个 燕窝而已,而是一个我们这些新人类聚首一堂的好地方。

  • Well I suggest you try swallow 's nest soup . It 's one of our famous dishes .

    那么,建议你尝尝一 燕窝。那是一道有名的中国菜。

  • There is a swallow 's nest under the eaves .

    房檐的下方住着一 燕子

  • Swallow nest again but the bird 's nest built record-breaking record .

    燕子再筑巢,可是 燕窝屡筑屡破。