syntax statement

[ˈsɪnˌtæks ˈstetmənt][ˈsɪnˌtæks ˈsteitmənt]

[计] 语法语句

  • If you prefer you can stop syntax validation by selecting No validation in the Validate statement syntax list .

    您可以根据自己的喜好,选择Validate statementsyntax列表的Novalidation停止 语法验证。

  • An Ambiguous Syntax Analysis Algorithm Based on Mathematical Statement

    一种基于数学 表达式的二义 文法分析算法

  • Editor features include syntax highlighting SQL formatting content assist statement parsing and validation and semantic validation .

    编辑器具有 语法高亮显示、SQL格式化、内容补全、 语句解析与验证和语法验证等特性。

  • By using XML tags within the policy you can modify text add text to the utility syntax statement or remove text from it .

    通过在策略值使用XML标记,您可以修改文本,将文本添加到实用程序 语法 语句,或者从中删除文本。

  • Holding the mouse pointer over a syntax error like this brings up a hover tip describing the problem ; in this case it indicates that it is an incomplete statement requiring a semicolon .

    将鼠标指针放在出现 语法错误(比如这里的 语法 错误)的地方,一会将出现一个描述问题的快捷提示;在本例中,它指出 语句不完整,还需要一个分号。

  • At a high level you see the familiar update set . where syntax of an SQL UPDATE statement .

    SQLUPDATE 语句的总体 结构 仍然是大家熟悉的“updateset.where” 语法

  • Using SQL syntax you can construct a statement that extracts records according to criteria you specify .

    使用sql 语法,可以构造一条 语句,根据指定的条件来提取记录。

  • This thesis designed an abstract syntax tree based on statement for software reverse engineering .

    为适应逆向工程的需求,本文研究和设计了一棵以 语句为基本单元的 语法分析树。

  • New syntax for disabling an index for foreign key constraint was added to use with the ALTER statement .

    用于为外键约束禁用索引的 新语 被使用ALTER 语句添加来使用。

  • The selection in the Validate statement syntax list determines the parser that is used .

    Validate statement syntax列表的选择项决定了所使用的解析器。

  • The basic syntax for an include statement that uses an xpointer attribute is

    使用xpointer属性的include 语句的最基本 语法

  • Acts as the predicate is X most important the most basic syntax function but its verb overriding is weak the statement is strong .

    充当谓语是X化最重要、最基本的 句法功能,但其动词支配性较弱, 陈述性较强。

  • Action : Check the statement 's syntax especially references to column names and retry the statement .

    你还是再检查一 下列名是否正确, 语法没有问题。

  • Montague 's PTQ system eventually completes the work of formalizing natural language through three parts namely building a syntax about part of English statement system ;

    蒙太格的 PTQ系统通过三部分最终完成了对自然语言形式化的处理,它们分别是:建构一个部分英语 语句系统的语形;

  • The lexical analysis uses the advanced search method while the syntax analysis adopts the top-down recursive descent parsing . Furthermore we give some sample codes arithmetical statement and the design of related classes .

    其中词法分析是利用超前搜索的方法, 语法分析则采用了自上而下的递归下降分析法,并给出了示例代码、算法 描述和相关类的结构设计。

  • Next you reviewed the SQL syntax for the INSERT statement and saw examples of how to use this statement to insert data into a Derby database .

    然后,您回顾了INSERT 语句的SQL 语法,并查看了如何使用该语句将数据插入Derby数据库中的示例。

  • All IBM designers continue to use the smart multi-line editors that provide syntax colorization and statement completion .

    所有IBM设计器仍然能够使用具有 语法彩色显示和 语句完成功能的智能多行编辑器。

  • Receive and verify the syntax of the SQL statement .

    接收并验证SQL 语句 语法

  • Action : Check the syntax of the statement and use column names only where appropriate .

    你在 不能使用 列名的地方使用了。

  • Options are provided to check the syntax of the SQL defining the view as well as to test the execution of this statement .

    提供了选项来检查定义视图的SQL语句的 语法并测试 语句的执行。

  • A syntax tree can be created from an entire file or just a loose statement or expression .

    我们可以从完整的文件创建 语法树,也可以从松散的 声明或者表达式生成它。

  • This provides the ability to simply check the syntax or test execute the SQL statement provided in the view definition .

    这使您可以选中视图定义中提供的 语法或测试执行SQL 语句

  • When the syntax of an SQL statement is fully known at compile time the statement is referred to as static SQL .

    如果在编译时一个SQL 语句 语法是完全已知的,那么这个语句就称为静态SQL。

  • This is in contrast to Oracle syntax where the CREATE INDEX statement provides an option to specify in which table space the index will reside .

    但在Oracle 语法中,CREATEINDEX 语句有一个选项来指定索引存放在哪个表空间。

  • Using syntax of IMP the operational semantics of repeat-until loop statement is given first then the denotational semantics of repeat-until loop statement is deduced and finally the equivalence of them is proved in detail .

    本文使用简单的命令式语言IMP的 语法,首先给出了repeat-until循环 语句的操作语义,然后详细推导出了其指称语义,并在此基础上详细证明了它们二者之间的语义等价性。

  • The parser selected in the Validate statement syntax list has no effect on semantic validation .

    Validate statement syntax列表所选择的解析器对语义验证没有任何影响。

  • If so the if statement executes a syntax off ; otherwise it executes a syntax enable .

    如果是的话,if 语句将执行一个syntaxoff命令;否则它将执行 syntaxenable命令。

  • PureQuery follows the rules for parameter marker syntax to determine how SQL statement parameters are mapped from the declared parameters in the annotated method 's parameter list .

    pureQuery遵从参数占位符 语法规则来决定如何从带注释的方法的参数列表中声明的参数映射SQL 语句参数。

  • This paper introduces the object-oriented approach to the analysis of the syntax structure of SELECT statement of SQL and generalizes the object-oriented model based on the class of expression .

    该文用面向对象方法分析了SQL的SELECT 语句 语法结构,概括出基于表达式类的面向对象模型。