synthetic fabrics


  • High grade cotton wool ramie silk fabrics synthetic fiber fabrics and special finishing special industrial textiles high grade fashion dress .

    高档棉、毛、麻、丝、 织机 及后整理,特种工业用纺织品,高档时装。

  • The synthetic thickeners for reactive dye printing are poorly resistant to electrolytes and result in hard hand-feeling on printed fabrics thus affecting their use in these printings .

    阐述了 合成活性染料印花增稠剂耐电解质性能较差和 印制手感较硬而影响它在活性染料印花工艺中的应用。

  • PVC Coating of Synthetic Fabrics

    合纤 的聚氯乙烯涂层多 功能 有机硅合纤 性能 探讨

  • Just now what you 've seen were woolens and slik . There are synthetic fabrics .

    刚才你们看的都是羊毛的丝织的,这里是 化纤的。

  • In this paper the generally used addition type flame-retardants for synthetic fabrics which include water soluble salts paraffin halides etc.

    本文介绍 合纤 常用的添加型阻燃剂有水溶性盐、石蜡卤化物等,说明其特性,对 阻燃涂覆的要求及其应具备的特点。

  • The principles and methods have been reviewed for imparting durable antistatic properties to the synthetic fabrics using five durable antistatic agents and cross-linking systems .

    评述了聚胺型、聚醚酯型、聚丙烯酸酯型等五类耐久性抗静电剂以及采用交联体系使 合纤 获得耐久性抗静电性能的原理和方法。

  • Synthetic fibers and regenerated cellulose fibers contain few impurities but some oil may get on the surface of the fiber and fabrics in fiber manufacturing process and fabric weaving process .

    合成纤维和再生纤维素纤维含杂质很少,但在纤维制造过程中表面施加有油剂, 编织过程中也可能沾上油污。

  • It was found that extracted lawsone and sulfonated shikonin synthetic naphthoquinone and naphthoquinone derivatives could be used in dying wool fabrics and the deep-dyeing chromatic properties and color fastness were affected by some factors such as extracting methods pigment types and parameters of dyeing process .

    指甲花醌、磺化紫草素、 合成萘醌等同体及衍生物对羊毛 纤维均具有一定的 染色 性能,但深染性、颜色特性以及染色牢度等受到提取方法、色素类型、染色工艺参数等方面的影响。

  • Scope of application : Fit to sew light and medium heavy material of knit cotton and synthetic fabrics .

    适用范围:适用于薄料和中厚料的针棉 化纤等缝料的缝制。

  • Experimental Research on Surface Drying Characteristics of Synthetic Fibre and Cotton Fabrics

    合成纤维和 棉织 表面接触干燥特性的实验研究

  • This is the best result you can expect at the present state of the art in dry cleaning synthetic fabrics .

    按干洗 合成 纤维 目前所能达到的工艺水平,这已是最好的结果。

  • Developments include the study of extracting natural dyes from animal and plant sources dyeing additives and the application on synthetic fibers . Natural dyes have very good prospects for use on high-quality silk fabrics natural-fiber underwear home textiles and decorative products .

    提取来自动物和植物的天然染料的研究、染色添加剂及天然染料在 合成纤维上的应用取得了进展,天然染料将在高档 真丝 制品、保健内衣、家纺产品和装饰用品等方面有很好的前景。

  • As you know people in the Europe and America have been tired of wearing synthetic fabrics .

    正如你所知道的,欧美人对 合成 纤维 已厌倦了。

  • Analyses the 120 pieces of different silk-like synthetic fabrics selected from Zhejiang 's Shaoxing area in terms of their respective material components processing technology weave structure and appearance style thus offering some reference for developing silk-like synthetic products in silk enterprises .

    对浙江绍兴地区的120只 合纤仿真 产品作了实物分析,从原料构成、加工工艺、组织结构、外观风格等方面论述了这些产品的特点,可供丝绸企业开发合纤仿真产品参考。

  • Determines waterproof and moisture permeable properties of various coating agents in cotton fabrics and synthetic fibre fabrics ;

    测试了各种涂层剂在纯棉织物和 合纤 上涂层 整理后的防水性和透湿性;

  • The development situation of new variety wool-like synthetic fiber and its fabrics now prevailing overseas is introduced as well as the results of trail-production in home some points for attention in development of wool-like fabrics are suggested .

    本文重点介绍国外目前流行的仿毛 合纤新品种,及其新型仿毛 物的开发情况,并介绍国内的一些试制情况,最后提出开发仿毛新织物的一些注意事项。

  • We also try to use kinds of material such as cotton flax synthetic fabrics to make jeans .

    我们还试着使用不同的材料来做牛仔裤,比如说棉、麻、 合成 纤维等。

  • Organic pigments have been widely used in inks paints rubber products plastic products cultural and educational supplies and colorant for building materials synthetic fibers and fabrics of dyeing .

    有机颜料已普遍用于油墨、涂料、橡胶制品、塑料制品、文教用品和建筑材料的着色,还用于 合成纤维的原浆着色和 染料印花,因此有机颜料的市场覆盖面很大。

  • The binder was stable in storage gave transparent and elastic membranes and was suitable for pigment printing of cotton and synthetic fiber fabrics .

    该粘合剂储存稳定,成膜无色透明,弹性强,适合纯棉与 合成纤维 进行涂料印花。

  • These new synthetic fabrics do not contain the simulation cotton products especially polyester filament yarn imitation cotton products .

    而这些新 合纤 面料 唯独没有包含仿棉产品,特别是长丝仿棉产品。

  • Polyester is the most widely used synthetic fiber but the fabrics from polyester yarn are usually used in clothing because they are soft and light .

    涤纶是产量最大、应用最广的 合成纤维品种,涤纶纱线织造所得 物质地柔软、轻薄,一般仅应用于衣着 面料

  • At present most of fluorescent products are synthetic such as polyester acrylic nylon and so on . But there are no cotton fabrics with fluorescence .

    当前,应用于纺织 服装的荧光产品基本都是 化纤制品,如涤纶、腈纶、锦纶等,而具有荧光的 棉织 产品几乎没有。

  • The sol-gel coating was prepared with cellulosic fabrics and synthetic fabrics as carriers and TEOS as precursor .

    以纤维素织物和 合成 纤维 为载体,以硅酸乙酯(TEOS)为水解前驱体,对 载体进行溶胶凝胶涂层整理。

  • The main production areas : production and marketing all types of polyester filament yarn synthetic fabrics clothing .

    主要生产经营范围:生产销售各类聚酯长丝、 化纤 、服装。

  • The synthetic method and application properties of an acid dye fixer for nylon fabrics were researched . The results showed that the various color fastnesses such as rubbing and soaping fastnesses of the dye-fixed fabrics were obviously improved with little shade change and no coarse hand-feel .

    探讨尼龙 酸性染料固色剂的 合成与应用研究,结果表明,固色后织物的摩擦牢度和皂洗牢度等各项牢度有显著提高,而且色光变化较小,手感不粗糙。

  • While the polyester industry technical level is higher than the other synthetic fabrics the polyester fabric with a low value-added and profit . Polyester industry faces with the upgrading and transformation . In this context the development of high simulated cotton-like-polyester fabrics is ready to come out .

    同时面对我国的聚酯产业技术水平较高,但产业附加值较低、利润不高、产业亟待改革升级的背景下,聚酯仿棉产品的开发 呼之欲出

  • We discussed the type of artificial ligament with synthetic fabrics the indication and the techniques of the operative procedures .

    探讨了 合成 纤维 人工韧带的类型、手术适应征和手术技术。

  • Make a Proper Use of Jet Looms and Produce Synthetic Filament Fabrics

    合理利用喷射织机生产 合纤长丝