synthetic wood

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk wʊd][sinˈθetik wud]

[化] 合成木材

  • Using self-made MCC for synthetic leather as the filler permeability longitudinal and transverse tensile and tear strength of the wet PU film were better than domestic wood flour for the synthetic leather .

    采用自制微晶纤维素作为填料,湿法聚氨酯移膜的透气性、纵横向抗张及撕裂强度较国产 合成革专用 粉的使用效果更佳。

  • The fibrous materials as reinforcements in synthetic polymer composites include wood flour chopped fibers nutshell flour peanut-hull flour corncob flour rice hull flour and cellulose fibers .

    作为 合成聚合物复合材料增强的木纤维素包括 纤维素粉(如木粉、细切纤维、花生壳粉、坚果壳粉、玉米芯粉、谷壳粉等)和纤维素纤维。

  • Synthetic panels and decorating material industry developed rapidly . But average wood consumption in China is only 19.8 % of the level in developed countries 48.9 % of the level in developing countries and 30 % of the global average .

    然而我国人均 木材消费量仅为发达国家平均水平的19.8%和发展中国家平均水平的48.9%,人均 人造板消费量只占世界平均水平的31%。

  • All raw materials of synthetic adhesives currently used in wood products industry are from natural gas and petrochemicals .

    考虑到现用 胶粘剂的原料均来自天然气及石油化工产品,而这些原料不断提价并且资源逐渐减少趋向枯竭,所以利用其他原料 木工胶粘剂是非常必要的。

  • Phenols in water mainly are from the waste water of the industry of oil refining coking coking plant gas washing papermaking synthetic ammonia wood preservative and chemical engineering .

    水中酚类主要来自炼油、炼焦、煤气洗涤、造纸、 合成氨、 木材防腐和化工等行业的废水及医院污水。

  • Study on polymer synthetic wood produced with dehydrated sludge

    脱水污泥制备聚合物 合成 木材的研究

  • Properties of Synthetic Soil Improved with Wood Dust and Inorganic Compound Fertilizers Used for Eco-engineering

    应用 木屑和复合肥改良生态恢复 基质特性

  • Synthetic Wood with Annual Rings

    带年轮状 合成 木材的研究

  • The synthetic technology of moisture curing isocyanate adhesive and adhesive technology . bonding mechanism for high moisture content wood were studied in this paper .

    本论文对用湿固化异氰酸酯胶粘剂的 合成工艺、湿固化异氰酸酯胶粘剂与高含水率 木材的胶接工艺以及高含水率 木材的胶接机理进行了研究。

  • The synthetic conditions of tetrabromobisphenol A were studied . Char yield and thermokinetic parameters during pyrolysis of wood treated with tetrabromobisphenol A were studied by TG-DTA method .

    研究了四溴双酚A的 合成条件,并利用TGDTA热分析技术研究了其阻燃过程的 木炭产量和热动力学参数。

  • It bonds polyurethane floor covering synthetic rubber floor covering carpet laminate covering on wood thin wooden covering and metal .

    适用于聚氨酯地板、 合成橡胶地板、地毯、层压 木板、薄木板铺装和金属铺装。