table compression

[ˈtebəl kəmˈprɛʃən][ˈteibl kəmˈpreʃən]

[计] 表压缩

  • The new table UDF and view for compression information

    用于 压缩信息的新的 UDF和视图

  • Table compression is on by default ( if you purchase the option ) .


  • A Fast 2D 8 × 8 DCT Algorithm Based on Look-Up Table for Image Compression

    适于图像 压缩的二维8×8DCT查 快速算法研究

  • Source and target table compression specifications must match .

    和目标 压缩规范必须匹配。

  • Parallel table compression algorithm

    并行 压缩算法

  • The shaking table model test of a squeezed branch pile-soil-structure system was designed and carried out to find out the seismic behavior of the system and resistant capability of tension compression and torsion of squeezed branch pile under exiting force of earthquake .

    采用挤扩支盘桩-土-结构体系进行振动 模型试验,以了解在地震动激励下该体系的抗震性能以及支盘桩对结构体系的抗拉、 抗压及抗扭曲的作用。

  • Once we alter the table space to enable compression we can run REORG to allow DB2 to reformat the rows compressing them to potentially half their original length .

    在改变了 空间来启用 压缩功能后,我们可以运行REORG来让DB2重新格式化这些行,将其压缩到其原始长度的一半。

  • The table analytic method involves many adjustment means based on the sufficient condition of operating technical station through train such as compression of starting station and destination station cutting the train traffic separation traffic and so on .

    表格分析法涉及很多基于开行直达到达站充分条件的调整手段,如 压缩到发站、切割、合并和分流等等。

  • Note that each partition of a partitioned table can have a different compression dictionaries and each partition of a table in DPF can have a different compression dictionaries .

    注意,分区 的每个分区可以有不同的 压缩字典,在DPF中的一个表的每个分区也可以有不同的压缩字典。

  • You can turn off the compression again by altering the table and disabling compression ( compress no ) and then issue the same reorg command .

    您可以通过更改 并禁用 压缩功能(compressno)来停用压缩,然后发出相同的reorg命令。

  • Very Fast Routing Table Lookup and Update Algorithm Based on Index and Compression

    基于索引和 压缩的超高速路由 查找及更新算法

  • With the data returned you can make a decision on whether you would like to perform an offline table reorg to take advantage of row compression .

    利用返回的数据,可以决定是否执行离线 tablereorg,以利用行 压缩

  • The above table and graph illustrate the theoretical savings of using dynamic compression .

    上面的 和图给出的是动态 压缩在理论上的性能结果。

  • By calculating the rate distortion values of bit streams in each coding pass according to table lookup generated code streams are quality scalable . The algorithm in this thesis reduces the memory requirement of wavelet image coding greatly while achieving acceptable compression efficiency and image quality .

    应用查 的方式计算每个通道位流的失真值,按质量级的要求产生截断码流,在减少算法对内存需求的同时,可以获得较高的 压缩效率和图像质量可分级的压缩码流。

  • If the table is a range clustered table ( that does not support row compression ) you can consider switching it to become a range partitioned table ( that supports row compression ) .

    如果表是一个范围集群表(不支持行压缩),可以考虑将其变换为范围分区 (支持行 压缩)。

  • The simulation results indicate that embedding watermark in the LSB ( Least Significant Bit ) of the DCT coefficients corresponding to smaller quantization step in the quantization table can remit the conflict between the DCT coefficients to be protected and invisibility without dropping the capability of resisting JPEG compression .

    分析和实验结果表明,水印信息嵌入在量化步长较小的量化 DCT系数的最低位,既不影响算法抗JPEG 压缩的能力,又能有效缓解待保护DCT系数个数与不可见性之间的矛盾。

  • If there aren 't evident linear correlation among attributes of the data table and the data have the time-serials property BSC exploits PMA-TS compression algorithm .

    如线性相关不明显,而数据具有 时序性,选用预测模型分析& 时序分析算法。

  • Alternatively you can alter a table to enable compression and then you can reorganize it to compress the data .

    还可以为现有的 启用 压缩,然后可以重组它以便压缩数据。

  • Report queries where full table scans are performed can gain marked improvement in query performance when row compression is applied .

    当行 压缩被应用时,执行全 扫描的报表查询在查询性能上可以得到显著的改善。

  • Some are related to performance and scalability such as data row compression and some are related to manageability such as the ability to copy database schema and ALTER TABLE statement enhancements .

    其中一些特性与性能和可伸缩性有关,例如数据行 压缩,而另外一些则与可管理性有关,例如复制数据库模式的功能,以及ALTER TABLE语句增强。

  • There are three compression features provided by Oracle ; index table and row level compression .

    Oracle提供了两种压缩特性:一种是索引级 压缩,另一种是 压缩

  • By modifying the quantization table of standard DCT based JPEG an improved JPEG compression algorithm I JPEG is represented . The algorithm can hold image edge features effectively and improve image compression ratios as well .

    然后对标准的基于JPEG量化 进行改进,提出了一种既能有效保真图像边缘信息,又能提高压缩倍数的改进JPEG 压缩算法&IJPEG。

  • Note that the table does not require the COMPRESS attribute to be set to yes to use this capability . With the data returned you can make a decision on whether you would like to perform an offline table reorg to take advantage of row compression .

    注意,为了使用该功能,不需要将表属性COMPRESS设为yes。利用返回的数据,可以决定是否执行离线 tablereorg,以利用行 压缩

  • In Oracle table compression duplicate values are removed in a database block and information is stored to recreate the uncompressed data within the block .

    在Oracle 压缩中,数据库块中重复的值将被去除,信息将被存储起来,以便在块中重新创建未压缩的数据。下面的例子展示了如何用压缩特性创建分区

  • Though table compression works for a non-partitioned table its usage for non-partitioned tables in OLTP workloads may not be desirable as insert and update performance may suffer .

    虽然 压缩也可以用于不分区的表,但是在OLTP工作负载中将表 压缩应用于不分区的表并不可取,因为插入和更新性能会受到损害。

  • The data structure of visualization model is given and a temperature-color mapping table is created . By using the combustion visualization model the 3D dynamic visualization for both spark ignition engine and compression ignition dual fuel engine are realized .

    文中介绍了模型实现的数据结构,建立了温度&颜色映射 ,构造了可视化系统,实现了火花点火内燃机与双燃料 燃式内燃机燃烧过程的三维动态可视化,并给出了效果图片。

  • The following example shows how to create partition table with compression .

    下面的例子展示如何创建采用 压缩的分区

  • Secondly this thesis thoroughly analyzes the logical design process of DDS module and puts more emphasis on the analysis of the sine value table and the phase accumulator design which is processed by ROM data compression .

    然后本文对DDS模块的逻辑设计流程进行了深入的探讨,并着重分析了ROM数据 压缩后的正弦查值 与相位累加器的设计。

  • Which include the hash table suffix array suffix tree and so on but the model of BWT compression was used in the sequence alignment algorithms in recent years .

    这其中包括哈希 ,后缀数组,后缀树等结构,而最近几年出现了使用 压缩模型Burrows-Wheeler变换。