syntax description

[ˈsɪnˌtæks dɪˈskrɪpʃən][ˈsɪnˌtæks disˈkripʃən]


  • The lack of detailed and rule-oriented syntax description of Chinese language however has become a bottleneck in this automation process .

    然而缺少细致的致力于规则的 句法 描写已成为严重制约中文信息自动化处理的瓶颈。

  • Keyword syntax is explained in the description of the step table .

    在步骤表格中的 描述中解释了关键词 语法

  • Most likely the material identified by the URI will itself be an indirect pointer to an actual schema or description allowing the syntax of the real description to evolve over time .

    很可能的是,由URI标识的资料本身就是一个指向实际模式或描述的间接指针,并允许实际 描述 语法随时间推移而发展。

  • Therefore rule description method is easy for domain engineers to understand grasp and apply it can solve the problem of curse of modeling . ( 3 ) Formal syntax and semantics of logic rule description language ( LRDL ) are constructed .

    因此规则化描述方法易于理解,便于掌握和使用,较好地解决了领域工程师对DECS进行建模和设计时所面临的建模难问题。(3)构建了逻辑规则 描述语言(LRDL)的 语法语义体系。

  • Then from the syntax the semantics the language with and so on the angle has carried on the more exhaustive analysis description to the interactive verb .

    然后,从 句法、语义、语用等角度对交互动词进行了较为详尽的分析 描写

  • With this syntax the description of semistructured data can be unified to a formal way .

    使用该 句法,可以将半结构数据的 描述统一到一种形式化的方法上。

  • Often these sessions negotiate another protocol connection using syntax such as the Session Description Protocol ( SDP ) as defined by RFC2327 .

    通常,这些会话将使用RFC2327定义的会话 描述协议(SessionDescriptionProtocol,SDP)等 语法协商另一个协议连接。

  • We describe the structure and process models using process-algebra-based language ( including its syntax and operational semantics ) and then provide the description specification ( textual and graphical ) on the model .

    使用进程代数的语言描述结构和过程模型(包括 语法和操作语义),并在此模型基础上给出安全软件体系结构的 描述规约,规约有文本表示和图形表示两种形式。

  • It can be concluded that the syntax description of OCL expression is the crucial factor in OCL semantics from the comparison between the two OCL semantics .

    通过对OCL表达式语义二种描述方法比较,可以看到OCL表达式语义学描述的关键是反映OCL表达式本质的 语法 描述

  • This disquisition which using method of combination of syntax form semantic description and pragmatic cognitive interpretation to research the phenomenon of nominal adverbial .

    本文拟运用 句法形式、语义 描写与语用、认知解释相结合的方法,对名词作状语这一现象作进一步的梳理、发掘与研究。

  • They look similar but the query syntax keeps its simplicity even as the problem description gets more difficult .

    他们看起来很像,但是查询 语法当问题变得更加复杂的时候, 查询 语法依然简易。

  • Significance of spatial relations are some of the language means the basic semantics of the basic functions of the spatial relationship of syntax description will help to deepen our grasp of the meaning of vocabulary .

    空间关系意义是一些语言手段最基本的语义,对最基本的空间关系的功能 语法 描写有助于加深我们对词汇意义的把握。

  • A Method for Syntax Analysis of Parametric Description on Construction Drawings

    建筑图中参数化 描述 语法分析方法

  • Scholars either focus on semantics or on syntax or on the attempts to combine the two and they have made a number of achievements in the description and classification of sound-change word formation .

    学者们或侧重於语义层面、或著眼於 句法 功能,或试图将二者结合,对音变构词现象作出了 描写和分类,在音变构词类型的归纳上取得了一系列成果。

  • The Turtle syntax for Resource Description Framework ( RDF ) is a useful way to capture this information in a format that non-technical users can review .

    资源 描述框架(ResourceDescriptionFramework,RDF)的Turtle 语法非常有用,它可以使用适合非技术用户查看的格式捕获这些概念。

  • To draw the pedagogical implication that the teaching of syntax should transfer its emphasis from structure description and prescription to the understanding of the interaction between form and function as well as that between meaning and context .

    指出系统 功能 语法对于英语 句法教学的启示:句法教学应超越对结构和 形式的分析,强调形式与功能的互动,强调意义和语境的相关性。

  • Abundant patterns can be studied according to the form of the words the color of the words and so on resulting from the symmetry of semantic the rich function of syntax and the description of pragmatic .

    整体格式丰富可以从词的构成、词的色彩等多角度考察,格式丰富的原因主要与形容词语义的对称性、 句法的多功能性以及语用的 描写性有关。

  • This pattern refers to syntax and semantic characters emerged from regular defects of programs . It is a description of program attributes which will results in a defect as long as being violated .

    程序中经常发生的缺陷所呈现出的 语法或语义特征就是缺陷模式,它是对程序属性的 描述,如违反该属性将造成一个缺陷。

  • Syntax Description of Component Class and Semantics Description of Component Relationship

    构件类的 语法 描述及构件关系的语义描述

  • Then the thesis describes Verilog-HDL generally following with the introduction from such aspects of Verilog-HDL as appearance and development primary characters syntax model description mode and IDE ( Integrity Development Environment ) .

    其次,对Verilog-HDL进行了整体概述。从产生及发展、主要特点、 语法、模型、 描述方式和开发环境等方面,对Verilog-HDL本身进行了介绍。