


  • Richard Strauss 's Symphonic Poems : Context Program Musical Narrative

    理查·施特劳斯 交响诗研究:语境·文本·音乐叙事

  • Entering the 1990s Chinese symphonic creation found itself in the doldrums .

    进入90年代之后,我国 交响 音乐创作的状态有些寂寥。

  • In1997 he conducted the country 's first symphonic pops concert with the China National Symphony Orchestra .

    1997年,他指挥中国国家交响乐团,举行了中国第一场 通俗 交响乐音乐会。

  • The whole novel fully indicates the way to structure symphony the symphonic melody through the work the music images of the main characters and the like .

    本文论述了其交响乐的结构方式,小说中所表现出的 交响乐的主旋律,音乐化的主人公形象等问题, 力图在文字与音符之间 找出 某种 内在

  • There can be a luxury in our bodily movements as in the movement of a symphonic poem .

    音韵 和谐的诗歌有 表现;我们身体上的动作也可以有 佚的 表现

  • They are regarded as the original Chinese symphonic music creations .

    它们可视为中国 交响音乐创作的滥觞。

  • Late USSR Composer Aram Khachaturian 's symphonic works and Violin Concerto has been widely circulated in China but not his Piano Concerto which is also highly valued .

    前苏联作曲家哈恰图良的 交响乐和小提琴作品在国内广为流传,但他的钢琴协奏曲却很少能听到。

  • All this is evidence that Chinese composers were acquiring a surer grasp of the rules of symphonic creation .

    这表明中国作曲家对 交响 音乐艺术规律的把握更趋成熟。

  • This kind of vigor and artistic conception is just like a unique and vast symphonic epic .

    这气势、这意境、宛如一部不同 反响恢弘壮阔的 交响史诗。

  • On the Application of Jazz Factors to Gershwin 's Symphonic Poem

    爵士乐因素在格什温 交响 诗《一个美国人在巴黎》中的运用初探

  • From Karl Marx to Our Own Days symphonic poem for solo voices chorus and orchestra ( unfinished )

    为独唱,合唱队和管弦乐队而作的 交响诗“今后我们每天拥有卡尔·马克思”(未完成)。

  • Right now we play music in Gothic Metal Melodic Death Metal and Symphonic Metal styles .

    目前的风格为哥特、旋死和 交响金属。

  • Nature 's symphonic world was drowned by man 's industrial cacophony .

    大自然的 和声世界被人类的工业噪音淹没了。

  • He prefers opera to symphonic music .

    他喜欢歌剧胜过 交响乐

  • And in 1981 35 works won prizes at the First National Symphonic Music awards Conference .

    1981年全国第一次 交响音乐作品评奖,获奖作品达35部, 可见景况

  • Symphonies 103 and 104 stand as perfect examples of early symphonic construction

    第103和104号交响曲是早期 交响乐结构的典型代表。

  • Actually it was10 years ago that I made my debut in China conducting the China National Symphony Orchestra at the Century Theater in the very first symphonic pops program ever presented in China .

    10年前我第一次 来到中国,在世纪剧院为中国国家交响乐团担任指挥。那是我首次在中国举办的 交响乐音乐会。

  • His own Moksha for percussion cellos and bass is an epic symphonic journey .

    他自己的“解脱”的冲击,大提琴,低音就是一部史诗, 交响乐的旅程。

  • Symphonic Poem of Art Style-On Contemporary Dutch Architectural Creation

    艺术风格的 交响诗&荷兰现代建筑创作探析

  • From the grandest symphonic sounds to the most brilliant jazz mouthpieces .

    从大型 交响乐音效到有着不可思议的灿烂音色的爵士号嘴。

  • Body 's rhythm the thought pace intelligent harmony symphonic music composing life 's.

    身体的节奏,思想的步调,心灵的和声,构成生命的 交响曲

  • Liszt born in hungary originated a type of program music the symphonic poem later known as a tone poem also and les preludes is an example .

    生于匈牙利的李斯特独创了一种标题音乐- 交响诗。这种 体裁后又被,称作“音诗”,李斯特的即为一例。

  • In symphonic writing he is the master craftsman .

    他在 交响乐 的创作上堪称技艺大师。

  • Europe is the home to symphonic music and also home to opera . It has been a cradle of many brilliant music composers .

    欧洲是 交响乐 ,也是歌剧之乡,是许多杰出作曲家的摇篮。

  • His symphonic style inherited the tradition of classical but his art songs and piano works is a completely romantic .

    他的 交响性风格继承的是古典主义的传统,但他的艺术歌曲和钢琴作品却完全是浪漫主义的。

  • These works all provided evidence that Chinese symphonic music had embarked on a road of healthy development .

    这些作品标志着我国 交响音乐创作走上了健康发展之路。

  • The major symphonic works produced in this period were Sketch of Guizhou Mountains and Wonder of the Naxi People and symphonies One to Five by Zhu Jianer .

    这个时期出现的重要 作曲家和重要作品,有朱践耳和他的《黔岭素描》、《纳西一奇》及从“第一”到“第五”交响曲。

  • He stands alone as a conductor of modern Symphonic music .

    他是一个杰出的现代 交响音乐指挥。