


  • Give the synonym and antonym of this word .

    给出这个 同义 和反义词。

  • He showed nearly normal semantic system in word auditory comprehension and synonym judgment tests in PACA ;

    PACA的名词听理解、 同义 判断检查提示该患者的语义系统接近正常;

  • The semantic synonym expansion mechanism is limited to expand simple keyword queries .

    语义 同义 扩展机制仅限于扩展简单的关键字查询。

  • Replace : My general is replaced here basically is to weigh synonym and antonym and relevant statement to tell .

    替换:这里我将替换主要是重 同义 和反义词以及相关词去讲。

  • We can find four synonym groups in Wang Wei 's poetry which provided flexible choice for expression and rhetoric .

    王维诗中的 颜色 中可 出四组 同义 ,为表达修辞提供了灵活多样的选择。

  • The basic extension contains very simple elements : one word and of course a new synonym .

    基本扩展包含非常简单的元素:一个词,当然还有一个新的 同义

  • I need a synonym dictionary for my essay .

    我需要一本 同义 词典来写文章。

  • A synonym is another name for a schema-contained object .

    同义 是包含架构的对象的另一个名称。

  • The following keyword ( s ) or synonym ( s ) already exist with the title you have chosen .

    下列使用所选标题的关键字或 同义 已经存在。

  • Zhuge Liang is a synonym for wisdom in folklore .

    诸葛亮在民间传说中是智慧的 名词

  • The view or synonym can be created only at the local database .

    只能在本地数据库上创建视图或 synonym

  • The term ' industrial democracy ' is often used as a synonym for worker participation .

    “工业民主”这个词常被用作“工人参与 同义

  • It is clear they BEYOND as a synonym for the Hong Kong rock band .

    很显然他们把BEYOND当成了香港摇滚乐的 名词

  • This service allows others to register a word and map it to another word ( a synonym ) .

    此项服务允许其他服务注册一个词并将其映射到另一个词( 同义词)。

  • The term iteration is often erroneously used as a synonym for increment .

    迭代这一术语常被错误地用作是增量的 同义

  • The special shell abbreviation . ( or its synonym source ) executes another shell script .

    特殊的Shell缩写.(或者它的 同义 source)表示执行另一个Shell脚本。

  • The word string is just a synonym for what ?

    单词和字符串一定程度上是 同义

  • The first query also introduces the AS clause which you can use to create a table synonym .

    第一个查询还引入了AS子句,该子句可用于创建表同义 (table synonym)。

  • The colour is used as a synonym for environmentalism .

    这种颜色已经成了环境保护论的 同义

  • By defining a synonym you can refer to table quantities by using a shorter notation .

    通过定义 同义 ,可以使用更短的符号表示表数量。

  • Make ( meaningless or illegible marks ) on sth We should pay attention to synonym discrimination .

    在某物上乱画(无意义或无法辨认)我们应注意对 同义 的辨析。

  • Second OmniFind 's synonym dictionary mechanism is used to define semantic synonyms for keywords .

    第二,使用OmniFind的 同义 词典机制为关键字定义语义同义词。

  • The table can be a table view or synonym .

    这里所指的表可以是表、视图或者 synonym

  • Software modeling has traditionally been a synonym for producing diagrams .

    软件建模在传统上成为产生图表的一个 同义

  • I checked the dictionary and it did not state that auditor is a synonym for crazy .

    我查了查字典,上面并没有说审计师是疯狂的 同义

  • On the Distinction between Prepositions Save and Save for ; We should pay attention to synonym discrimination .

    介词save和savefor辨义我们应注意对 同义 的辨析。

  • You can only add an instance of a Definition or another Word for a synonym .

    只能添加一个Definition实例,或者为一个 同义 添加另一个Word。

  • This restricts the size of each synonym to this maximum size .

    这将约束每个 同义 的最大大小。