synchronous switch

[ˈsɪŋkrənəs swɪtʃ][ˈsɪŋkrənəs switʃ]


  • The paper proposes a design of water supply system using Fuzzy control and synchronous switch .

    本文将模糊控制和 同步 切换 控制应用于供水系统。

  • Direct thrust control for interior permanent magnet linear synchronous motor ( IPMLSM ) with hysteresis causes notable thrust as well as flux and current pulses during steady-state operation or with uncertain switch frequency .

    直线永磁 同步电机直接推力滞环控制,导致 开关频率不定及稳态运行时会有明显的推力和磁链脉动产生。

  • By using the synchronous switch to substitute the Schottky diodes the efficiency of the chip has been enhanced greatly .

    设计采用 同步 整流技术,避免了肖特基二极管的使用,大大提高了芯片的工作效率;

  • The paper analyzes the domestic and overseas actuality of intelligent synchronous switch illuminates the concept of intelligence and gives the analysis of working principle of intelligent synchronous switch .

    论文中对目前智能 同步 开关的现状和国内外发展趋势进行了分析,提出并阐述了同步 开关智能化的概念,详尽地分析了智能同步开关的工作原理。

  • Intelligent synchronous high voltage switch can be utilized to minimize the switching overvoltages and high inrush currents in power systems as well as to improve the overall power quality .

    高压智能 同步 开关技术是有效抑制电力系统操作过电压和涌流以及全面提高电能质量的关键技术。

  • That introduction of the system can achieve synchronous optical switch protection so as to greatly improve the availability of the transmission system .

    认为该系统的引入确实可以实现光路的 同步 切换保护,从而大大提高传输系统的可用性。

  • Principle and realization of video and audio synchronous matrix switch

    视频音频 同步 切换 控制 电路原理及实现

  • In the synchronous ' model based on the idea of polygonal flux linkage locus by means of constructing the switch state period table of three phrase voltage inverter is required .

    同步方式下,基于多边形磁链轨迹法的思想,用作图法求得三相电压型逆变器的 PWM波形序列;

  • Firstly based on the compares with the conventional spring or electromagnetic actuators synchronous vacuum switch with permanent magnetic actuator ( PMA ) and electronic control is proposed and some analysis of its control characteristic control accuracy and reliability are performed .

    本文首先在比较中压 系统传统的弹簧机构和电磁操动机构的基础上,对基于 磁操动机构和电子控制的真空 开关的控制特性、控制精度和可靠性进行了分析。

  • According to the market 's demand the paper researches the software and hardware realization of synchronous switch .

    论文根据市场的需求,研究了 同步 配电 开关的软、硬件实现方案。

  • MCU Synchronous Switch in Teleconferencing System

    会议电视系统中MCU的 同步 交换

  • Synchronous interruption of short circuit currents can increase the actual interrupting capacity and electrical lifetime of vacuum switch .

    短路电流的 同步开断可以大大提高真空 开关的实际开断能力,延长其电寿命。

  • Research on Current - Double - Synchronous - Rectifier in Switch Mode Power Supply

    开关电源倍流 同步整流器的研究

  • Synchronous Buck Switch Mode Power Supply for Driving a LED Array

    驱动LED阵列的 同步降压 开关电源

  • Study on the Synchronous Switch of Filter of Gaoling Back to Back Converter Station All-Optical SOA-Based Microwave Filter with Passband and Stopband Interchanged

    高岭换流站滤波器组 同步 切技术研究基于半导体光放大器的通带与阻带相互 切换的全光微波滤波器

  • Application of Megahertz Synchronous Switch Battery Charger

    兆赫 同步 开关电池充电器的应用

  • In the way of three pieces of SRAM working in harmony and cooperating with continuous adderss sequence and synchronous clock it outputs a sequence which stimulation and response can switch at any time .

    这三片SRAM配合连续地址序列和 同步时钟的方式,输出一个激励/响应可随时 切换的数字激励响应序列。

  • The author designed the logic circuit to control the synchronous & asynchronous signal switch and other logics used by FPGA realized the data exchange between the host computer and Smart-Communication Board used by the Dual-Ported RAM and finally designed a high-speed Smart-Communication Board .

    设计中用FPGA来实现同 异步 转换以及逻辑控制电路,并用双口RAM来实现上位机与智能通信板的数据交换,设计出一种高速的智能通信板。

  • Based on detailed analysis of system arithmetic and switch theory the paper discusses the pivotal technology of intelligent synchronous switch and brings up correlative arithmetic including zero detecting of current and voltage time compensating of switch action and system monitoring of electrical parameters .

    本论文在对智能 同步开关系统算法及分合理论详细分析的基础上,讨论了智能 同步 开关的关键性技术,提出了电压电流过零检测差值、开关动作时间补偿以及电参数监控等算法。

  • Synchronous Discharge Characteristics of Multi Gap Multi Channel Gas Switch

    多级多通道气体火花 开关 同步放电特性

  • High repetition rate and synchronous multi-pulse generated by magnetic switch

    用磁 开关产生重复频率 多路 同步高压脉冲

  • As one of the important electrical equipment the intelligent synchronous switch controls and protects power system . The reliability and intelligence degree of intelligent synchronous switch greatly influence the stabilization and automation degree of power system .

    智能 同步 开关作为电力系统中重要的电气设备之一,起着控制和保护作用,其可靠性和智能化水平对电力系统的稳定运行和自动化程度将产生深远的影响。

  • The experimental results indicate that this switching device can better achieve the synchronous switch mode control from the inverter power to power supply with the smooth current simple structure in switching device and high working reliability .

    实验结果表明:该切换器较好地实现了由变频电源到工频电源的 同步 切换,切换电流平滑,且切换器结构简单,工作可靠。

  • We build a synchronous rectifying switch power IC with high efficiency and good load characteristic following the requirements of the battery-powered portable equipments .

    并具有良好大 信号 特性,以满足CPU、DSP和闪存等模块要求。根据电池供电便携式设备的要求,本论文 设计了一款高效率、良好负载特性的双模式 同步降压型 开关电源IC。

  • Open loop voltage stabilization is a new concept based on the synchronous switch power conversion .

    开环稳压是基于 同步 开关功率变换而提出的新概念。

  • The Control System of Intelligent Synchronous Vacuum Switch Base on MSP430

    基于MSP430单片机的智能 同步 开关控制系统

  • The traditional motor on the modern automobile is mainly the direct current motor ( DCM ) the alternating current motor ( ACM ) the permanent magnetism synchronous motor ( PMSM ) and the switch magnetic resistance motor ( SRM ) .

    现代汽车上的传统电机主要是直流电机、交流电机、永磁 同步电机和 开关磁阻电机。

  • Study on Soft Swith Full Bridge with Current Doubler and Synchronous Rectifier Novel Interleaving Double Switch Forward Soft Switching Converter

    全桥倍流 同步整流软开关变换器研究新型交错并联 双管正激软开关变换器

  • By analysing characteristics of synchronous rectification BUCK type can be realized by improving common PWM controller it raises the efficiency of the switch circuit and is applicable to high voltage system .

    通过对 同步整流技术特点的分析,在普通PWM控制器基础上进行改进就可以实现BUCK型 同步整流,提高 开关电路的效率,并能适用于高电压系统。

  • This paper describes an experimental circuit with synchro-counterpulsation . The R wave is used as a triggering signal of synchronous switch .

    本文介绍了一种同步反搏实验电路,利用R波作为 同步 开关的触发信号,用QT间期作为收缩和舒张的时间间隔。