synchronization of task

[计] 任务同步

  • After you run a consistency check a check and repair or a synchronization task on a replicate set the status of the task and the results are displayed and updated on the Task Status page .

    在运行一致性检查、检查和修复或副本上的 同步任务之后, 任务和结果的状态就更新并显示在TaskStatus页面上。

  • The thesis gives the system frame of achieving the file synchronization system . This frame consists of task configuring capturing and socket communicating .

    文章给出了实现该 同步软件系统的总体软件框架结构,整个框架由 任务配置、文件 变化捕捉、网络通讯等三个模块组成,并按照总体框架及流程给出了每个模块的实现细节。

  • The synchronization field lets you control the publish and refresh behavior of each task .

    使用 同步字段可以控制每个 任务的发布和刷新行为。

  • In addition the synchronization between the two computers in FADEC system which includes synchronization of Real Time Clock ( RTC ) and synchronization of task layer is designed .

    完成了FADEC系统双机同步(包括时钟级同步和 任务同步)设计。

  • In recently ten years Chaotic synchronization has shown well perspective in the areas of keeping correspond secret or expanding frequency spectrum and so on so it is a significance task to design the chaotic system .

    最近几十年,混沌 同步在保密通信、扩频通信等领域显示出良好的应用前景,所以混沌控制系统的设计也是一个很有意义的研究 课题

  • Synchronization strategies ensure transaction support and therefore the reliability of the task .

    同步策略会保证事务支持,从而保证 任务的可靠性。

  • Upon detection of an error during the synchronization downstream the WorkloadInjector process instance will generate a Notification in the form of a Human Task .

    同步下游期间检测到错误后,WorkloadInjector流程实例将以Human Task的形式生成一个Notification。