


  • I heartily sympathize with you . ; I have every sympathy for you .


  • Take it easy then . I really sympathize with you .

    放轻松些。我对你的情况非常 同情

  • I sympathize with you .

    深表 恻隐

  • We sympathize with people in affliction .

    我们 同情苦难的人们。

  • I do sympathize with your troubles but there 's nothing I can do to help .

    我实在是 同情你的困境,但我也无能为力。

  • I find it very hard to sympathize with him .

    我发现很难和他 取得 共鸣

  • He liked Max and sympathized with his ambitions .

    他喜欢马克思,而且 认同他的志向。

  • Unfortunately for these people I do not sympathize .


  • I am not weak I do not need to sympathize I will be strong .

    我不是那么柔弱的人,我不需要 同情,我会坚强起来的。

  • We sympathize with and support your just cause .

    我们 同情并支持你们的正义事业。

  • Most of the people living there sympathized with the guerrillas .

    住在那里的大多数人 支持游击队。

  • He would sympathize but he wouldn 't understand .

    他可能会 表示 同情,但不会理解。

  • Listened to his condition manager to sympathize very much .

    听了他的情况后,经理非常 同情

  • We sympathize with him when he lost his job .

    我们 同情他,因为他失业了。

  • People may sympathize but helping you is not their responsibility .

    人们或许会 同情,但是帮助你不是他们的责任。

  • I must tell you how much I sympathize with you for your loss Professor

    教授,我对您遭受的损失 深表 同情

  • I can 't sympathize . I don 't have to shave every day .

    不了 。我不需要每天刮胡子。

  • I do sympathize with their sufferings .

    我真的 同情他们的遭遇。

  • And I completely sympathize with what you 're doing .

    我完全 同情你所做的。

  • I sympathize but I could do nothing for you .

    同情 ,但是这次是帮不了你了。

  • I sympathize with him .


  • I find it difficult to sympathize with him when he complains so much .

    他抱怨这么多,我觉得很难对他 表示 同情

  • We all sympathize with you at this sad time .

    在这悲伤的时刻我们都 表示 同情

  • We all sympathize with you in your bereavement .

    我们 你丧亲之痛 表示 同情

  • I sympathize with you in your bereavement .

    你痛失亲人 表示 同情

  • Some Europeans sympathize with the Americans over the issue

    一些 欧洲人在该问题上 美国人 表示 理解

  • But he 's no fool ; and I can sympathize with all his feelings having felt them myself .

    可是他不是呆子;我能够 同情他所有的感受,因为我自己也感受过。

  • It 's easy to sympathize with forecasters .

    人们很容易和预测家 产生 共鸣