symbiotic fixation

[化] 共生固氮,共生固氮法

  • These genes related to symbiotic nitrogen fixation are transmitted and expressed differently between Rhizobium and Leguminous plant in root nodule development .

    在根瘤发育过程中,这些基因在 根瘤菌与植物之间进行着信息交换,并且具有不同的表达水平。

  • An effective method of enhancing symbiotic nitrogen fixation of legume nodule bacteria

    一种提高豆科作物-根瘤菌 共生 固氮有效性的方法

  • The utilizable respiratory substrates were the effective energy sources of symbiotic nitrogen fixation of bacteroids .

    类菌体呼吸作用的有效基质,即是类菌体 固氮作用的有效能源。

  • Effect of molybdenum on symbiotic nitrogen fixation of rhizobium peanut in acid purple soils

    酸性紫色土中钼对花生&根瘤菌 共生 固氮的影响

  • Study on The Characteristics Related to Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation of Legumes in Qinghai

    毛萼田菁茎瘤 共生状态下吸氢与 固氮 关系的研究青海豆科植物 根瘤固氮特性的研究

  • Our study provides a way to find new symbiotic nitrogen fixation gene and a foundation for the further exploration of Rhizobia PPI network evolution and bacteria-plant PPI networks .

    这为研究根瘤菌蛋白质互作网络演化、发现新的 共生 固氮基因、建立菌-植互作网络等提供了基础。

  • NO - 3-N of the environment plays an important role in rhizobium - legume symbiotic nitrogen fixation of legume .

    NO-3-N是环境介质中影响豆科植物 共生 固氮的重要因素。

  • Effect of trifluralin on symbiotic nitrogen fixation of soybean and soil microorganisms

    氟乐灵(Trifluralin)对大豆 共生 固氮及土壤微生物影响的研究

  • Study on the symbiotic fixation nitrogen of soybean by nitrogen-15

    应用~(15)N对大豆 共生 固氮的研究

  • The legumes have unique ability of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in nodules and their seeds are rich in oil and proteins alkaloids and flavonoids and other secondary metabolites having very high economic value .

    它具有 根瘤 固氮特性,种子中富含油分和蛋白质,以及生物碱和类黄酮等次级代谢产物,具有极高的经济价值。

  • Advance in the Study of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation of Alfalfa Rhizobium and Comment on It

    苜蓿根瘤菌 固氮研究进展及浅评

  • Plant total nitrogen content and total chlorophyll content which are both important indices of symbiotic nitrogen fixation showed extremely significant correlations with peanut yields with correlation coefficient being 0.763 and 0.795 respectively .

    植株全氮含量和叶绿素含量都是指示 共生 固氮效应的重要指标,与花生产量间存在极显著的相关性,相关系数分别为0.763和0.795。

  • A hypothesis is put forward that sulphur may have relation to symbiotic nitrogen fixation of Frankia and can promote formation of root nodules and nitrogen fixation . The Frankia isolates grown in N - deficient BAP medium exhibited an acetylene reducing activity .

    提出硫元素与Frankia放线菌的 共生 固氮有关,有利于根瘤形成和固氮。这些分离株在无氮BAP培养基上表现出乙炔还原活性。

  • Heavy metals could directly and indirectly affect the symbiotic nitrogen fixation in many manners and thus it is a research hotspot to find some pioneering gangue-colonizing legumes .

    重金属能从不同方面直接和间接地影响 共生 固氮,寻找适合作尾矿先锋植物的豆科植物是当前的一个研究热点。

  • The sense of symbiotic nitrogen fixation between Frankia and non-legume is as important as which between leguminous plants and Rhizobium and which has a broader research and development prospect .

    弗兰克氏菌(Frankia)与植物 共生 固氮的意义不亚于豆科植物的根瘤菌,并有更广阔的研究开发前景。

  • The Relation of Phosphorous Nutrition to Growth and Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation of Soybean Cultivars

    磷素营养与大豆生长和 共生 固氮的关系

  • Effect of magnetic field on symbiotic nitrogen fixation of soybean nodules

    磁场对大豆 共生 固氮的效应

  • The Effect of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation of Gene Engineering Rhizobium Strains in Soybean in the Field

    大豆基因工程根瘤菌田间结瘤和 共生 固氮效应

  • The characteristics related to symbiotic nitrogen fixation in legumes in arid area were discussed .

    对干旱区豆科 共生 固氮 生理 生态的特性进行了讨论。