


  • A broadcast that is repeated or that is relayed from another station . Yankees games are played and replayed on a wide-screen television in the middle of the bar .

    重播节目,转播 节目 再一次播放的 节目或从另一个台站传送 过来 节目洋基的比赛在吧台中间的 幕上一再重播。

  • They stay in rooms with Jacussis circular leather couches wide-screen televisions and views of the beach .

    他们住的地方有按摩浴池,环行的真皮沙发, 屏幕电视,窗外的风景就是海滩。

  • The3-D film cinema in this section covers a floor area of400 square meters with a120-degree arc screen able to show wide-screen movies and virtual-reality city animations .

    面积约400平方米。有120度弧形屏幕,可播放利用虚拟现实技术实现的城市仿真影片和 银幕影片。

  • Watch shows on your wide-screen TV after plugging it into your wireless laptop .

    将节目接到无线手提后用你的 宽屏电视机 播放

  • I want to get a wide-screen TV for videos .

    为了观看录像带,我要买一部 屏幕的电视。

  • Yankees games are played and replayed on a wide-screen television in the middle of the bar .

    酒吧中间,洋基的赛事在 萤幕电视上播了又

  • Tweaked the FOV to remain equivalent across all resolutions ; removing unfair advantages for wide-screen users .

    这话 翻译 过来 意思 就是,优化了所有分辨率的 视觉 效果,移除了 宽屏用户会带来优势的 可能性

  • This is really helpful on wide-screen laptops where vertical screen space is precious but there is plenty of unused space on the sides .

    对于那些垂直空间相对宝贵的 屏幕笔记本,这真的很有用, 不会 白白 浪费侧面的大量无用空间。

  • Based on the company 's Control Center security management software video walls can be constructed using any PC monitor type with standard or high-definition wide-screen format .

    通过公司控制中心的安全管理软件,视频监视墙可以播放任何计算机所 支持的标准或高清晰 视频格式。