what is said above


  • What is said above confirmed that change of liver property is one of important cellular mechanism for BMR . 6 .

    以上结果进一步表明了肝脏产热能力的增加是 BMR提高的一个重要细胞机制。

  • We should pay more attention to what is said above .

    我们应该更加注意 上面 的。

  • Knowing what is said above is very useful to develop economic law and market economy of socialism in China .


  • Regarding what is said above we will study the value of the customers of the container shipping company and some related issues in this paper .

    鉴于 ,本文将对集装箱运输企业的客户价值及相关问题进行深入的研究。

  • On the basis of what is said above we put forward the concept and types of Coal Metamorphism Region and specifically divides the Coal Metamorphism Region in China .

    在此基础 提出煤变质区的概念和类型,并对我国的煤变质区进行了具体的划分。

  • And based on Windows platform using VC + + 6.0 as the main development tools and open-source multimedia library what is said above a video surveillance service system has been achieved .

    并基于Windows平台,使用VC++6.0作为主要开发工具,应用 以上开源多媒体库,对视频监控服务系统进行了实现。

  • Your safety is an important matter . What is said above counts for much .

    你的安全非常重要。 以上 非常重要。

  • As we learn from what is said aBove the tides can Be very useful .

    依照 上面 的,我们知道潮汐可以是非常有帮助的。

  • What is said above provides the supporting decisions and the scheme of the thermal control for the large aperture collimator which is used in the field environment .

    野外使用的大口径平行光管提供 热控制方案和参考建议。

  • From what is said above we can draw a conclusion .

    上面 的,我们可以得出一个结论。

  • Based on what is said above these paved the way for the introduction of the real option model in M & A valuation .

    这些 为将实物期权模型引入并购价值评估中提供 契机和应用平台。