wetted perimeter


  • Uncertainty Analysis in Estimating the Minimum Ecological Instream Flow Requirements via Wetted Perimeter Method : Curvature Technique or Slope Technique

    用斜率和曲率 湿 法推求河道最小生态需水量的比较

  • Wetted perimeter method is an important hydraulic method . Compared with single cross section we found the average velocity was a relatively better hydraulic evaluation indicator for the braided channel section .

    湿 法是计算 河道 生态 流量的一种重要的水力学方法,通过对单一断面和分汊断面水力 特征的比较,发现对于分汊型河道,断面平均流速是一个相对更优的水力评判指标。

  • An approximate method on solving for wetted perimeter of natural river

    求天然河道 湿 的一种近似方法

  • Application of wetted perimeter method in determining critical point of river eco-environment water demand

    湿 法确定河流生态环境需水量临界点的应用

  • With regard to natural compound river channel on the condition that the roughness varies evidently along with the variation of cross section wetted perimeter and the variation of the process water level is larger the adoption of comprehensive roughness will produce larger error .

    对于天然复式河槽,当糙率随着断面 湿 变化发生明显变化,且 模型过程水位变化较大时,采用一般综合糙率,将会造成较大的误差。

  • Secondly we introduce some methods to estimate water right of ecological environment such as Montana method Wetted perimeter method Maintain flow in Japan and Water demand in China .

    在生态水权的计算方法中,重点介绍了Montana法、 湿 法、日本的维持流量及我国的 河道内和 河道外两类生态和环境需水。

  • Improved research on wetted perimeter method to calculate minimum stream ecological discharge

    对计算河道最小生态流量 湿 法的改进研究

  • THIS WEEK Jay Chou Flow Charateristics in an Open Channel of Composition for Wetted Perimeter With Different Roughness

    湿周上不同 率渠道的水力特性

  • The impact on the flow coefficient order of hydraulic radius cross-sectional area breadth depth ratio and wetted perimeter ; hydraulic radius is the most important factor affecting flow index followed by breadth depth ratio cross-sectional area and wetted perimeter .

    对流量系数k影响最大的流道断面因素依次是水力半径、截面面积、宽深比和 湿 ,对流态指数x影响最大的流道断面因素依次是水力半径、宽深比、截面面积和湿周。

  • Lengthening length of mixing tank increasing wetted perimeter and improving frictional coefficient were efficient measures to enhance air dissolution .

    滤罐溶气速率 时间延长而增长 。为了提高空气份额,可采取延长混合长度、增加 湿润 周界或提高摩擦系数。

  • By comparing the two techniques to determine the critical point on the relationship curve between wetted perimeter and discharge for the estimates of the minimum ecological instream flow requirement ( MEIFR ) the uncertainty of the wetted perimeter method is analyzed .

    湿周-流量曲线临界点的两种不同确定准则入手,分析湿周法推求河道内最小生态需水量(minimumecologicalinstreamflowrequirements,简称 MEIFR)的不确定性。