


  • The different technology essential of the yurt is the material the society the mark and is one kind of social phenomenon expresses one kind of social viewpoint .

    进而也对 毡帐技术的本质 内涵有不同 以前 认识 毡帐是物质的、社会的、符号的,是一种社会现象,表达了一种社会观点。

  • As nomads their traditional house called a yurt is a large round tent-like structure that can be packed up and moved from place to place easily .

    身为游牧民族的他们,传统住屋称为 蒙古 ,这种有如帐篷的圆形大建筑,十分便于打包及搬移。

  • While sitting in a chair I dropped in on a Mongolian family filmed inside their yurt and thought how fantastic the technology would be as part of a documentary .

    虽然我的身体坐在椅子上,但我的精神 进入了一 蒙古人的 圆顶 帐篷 不禁想,如果能把这项技术用在拍摄纪录片上该多好。

  • So before entering the yurt .

    所以在进 蒙古 之前。

  • Finally we can get into a Mongolian yurt .

    终于可以进 蒙古 了。

  • If say Mongolia suddenly became the world 's second-biggest economy there would be floods of books on Mongolian uniqueness : The visiting executive should always approach the yurt from a south-westerly direction .

    假如说,蒙古有一天突然变成了全球第二大经济,一堆书都会大谈蒙古的独特性:访问该国的企业高管,切记要从西南方向走进 帐篷

  • It is thousand years that yurt comes Mongolia nationality live for generations as sun-proof keep out the cold so far inhabit things .

    蒙古 是上千年来蒙古民族 祖祖辈辈居住并传承至今的防晒御寒的居住物。

  • A yurt has a large hole at the top where smoke can go out and sunlight can come in .

    蒙古 的顶端有个大洞, 除了可以排出 烟,还能 引进阳光。

  • They seem to be running toward the yurt where I am staying .

    他们好像正往我住的那个 毡房跑呢。

  • While yurt has become travel horse riding has become a kind of experience .


  • Kazak Yurt and Their Cultural Connotation

    哈萨克 毡房及其文化内涵

  • Characters of structure and materials of Mongolian yurt are analyzed in this paper using green design theory .

    本文以 当代设计 新兴的绿色设计理念分析了 蒙古 结构材料 独到的设计特点。

  • A yurt is a portable felt-covered wood lattice-framed dwelling structure traditionally used by nomads .

    圆顶 帐篷”是游牧民族的传统居住房屋,是一种可以移动的、在木制格子架上蒙上毛毡的帐篷。

  • The design and manufacture of FRP yurt

    玻璃钢 蒙古 设计及制作

  • I might stay in a yurt .

    我会住在 蒙古

  • Well in view of the fact that you all get to go to this party tonight and I get to stay in the yurt that smalls like rancid yak butter none taken .

    好了,考虑到你要参加今晚的派对,我也要呆在 帐篷 ,那些小的喜欢牛油,我不介意。

  • When he parks it next to a yurt we will all know that green has finally come to Chinese tourism .

    他把 悍马停在一 蒙古 的边上,我们就知道,绿色在中国旅游领域终于登堂入室了。

  • As history is developed forward there is new spiritual intension in grassland culture though we step into information age today the tradition to the already influence of the culture of the yurt of grassland culture that yet not to wear away .

    随着历史向前发展,今天草原上的 游牧文化又有了新的精神内涵。尽管我们今天已经跨进了信息化时代,传统的 游牧文化对今天草原文化的影响仍然存在。

  • The Tush kyiz is hung in the yurt over the marriage bed of the couple and symbolize their pride in their Kyrgyz tradition .


  • His yurt stood behind the temple .

    他的 蒙古 就在那座庙背后。

  • After analysis the yurt being a network of the significance she has the profound significance which operates the human the related technology and the knowledge and the life existing in her .

    并分析 毡帐形成以后,作为一个意义之网,又对生活在她之中的人和 围绕她存在的相关技术和知识的 形成 传承有着深刻的意义。

  • Herdsmen are rigging up a Mongolian yurt as a new domicile .

    牧民们正在新的居住地 搭建 蒙古

  • The thesis combine and survey and study the materials on the spot Sum up the characteristic in exterior decoration interior decoration and ornament pattern color figure which yurt building of Inner Mongolia analyses the whole intension of the building decoration of yurt .

    并结合实地调研资料,归纳总结了内蒙古地区 毡帐建筑装饰在建筑外部装饰、室内装饰及装饰图案、色彩、体型等方面的特征,在此基础上分析了毡帐建筑装饰的整体内涵。

  • Idea Culture Vicissitude and Environmental Awareness Reconstruction : Taking Congratulatory Remarks Intrinsic Structure Change in a Yurt as an Example

    观念文化的变迁与环境意识的重构&以 蒙古 祝词内在结构变迁为例

  • Inside the park stretches of numerous sculptures made by nature were scattered everywhere such as camel stone bird horse Yurt in Mongolia Grassland .

    地质公园内 集中连片地分布着各种各样造型 奇特的风蚀 地貌,例如,“ 蒙古 ”、“骆驼”、“石鸟”、“石人”、“石佛”、“石马”等, 千姿百态,惟妙惟肖。

  • Mongolian yurt People don 't live in Mongolian yurt any more but develop it for business purpose .

    《蒙古 蒙古包里居住的已经不是原居民,这是开发出来为游客服务的商业性蒙古包。

  • In some ways it could be a blessing by letting people better experience other cultures like the Mongolian yurt than they can by watching broadcast television .

    从某种程度上,这项 技术 到来是一种福音,因为它让人可以更好地体验其他文化&比如蒙古人的 帐篷,这种效果是看电视 无法比拟的。