


  • Importing swallowtail trough model method and utilizing the technique of minimum radius control point parametric design is realized based on feature on prismatic-formed turning tools .

    采用导入 燕尾槽模型的方法,利用最小半径控制点技术实现了棱体成形车刀的基于特征参数化设计;

  • Failure Mode and Basic Characteristics of Compressor Disk and Blade by Swallowtail Connection

    压气机盘片 燕尾 连接破坏模式及其特征的研究

  • A catastrophe potential function which has the same form of swallowtail catastrophe was obtained by dimensional normalization and diffeomorphism .

    基于能量平衡 方程建立了热烟气层轰 模型,经量纲归一化和微分同胚变换,得到 属于 燕尾突变的势函数。

  • In this study the swallowtail catastrophe model of population dynamics is build based on catastrophe theory considering crop conditions weather factors and predators as three kinds of control variables and pest population as the state variables .

    因此,本研究根据突变理论知识,以作物状况、气象因素及天敌为3种控制变量,以害虫种群数量动态为状态变量,构建了 符合种群动态规律的 燕尾突变模型。

  • I saw a tiger swallowtail butterfly .

    我看见一只虎 燕尾 凤蝶

  • The basic fatigue failure characteristics have been analyzed according to the stress analysis and simulation test under inhomogeneous swallowtail between compressor disk and blade .

    分析了非均匀 接触燕尾 榫头 连接的应力状态,并借助于模拟试验,提出了非均匀 接触 导致疲劳破坏的基本 痕迹特征。

  • Swallowtail Catastrophe Analyses and System Analyses on Pest Population Dynamic Model

    害虫种群动态模型的 燕尾突变分析及系统分析

  • Principle and Method on Measuring Swallowtail Fit Angle with Sine Protractor

    正弦规测量 燕尾 配合 角度的原理与方法

  • However due to the complexity and mutation of environmental factors the existing fold and cusp catastrophe model can only describe the types of pest population dynamic with 1 or 2 control variables . However swallowtail catastrophe model can describe catastrophe phenomenon under three control variables .

    然而由于环境因素的复杂性和突变性,现有的折迭、尖角突变模型仅能描述具有1、2种控制变量的害虫突变现象,而 燕尾突变模型能描述3种控制变量下的害虫突变现象。

  • The instabilities of the rock mass slope with regular weak intercalated layers are discussed ; and a slope of swallowtail catastrophe model with the catastrophe theory is established .

    针对含软弱夹层岩体边坡失稳问题,考虑软弱夹层的 应变 弱化 特性,运用突变理论方法,建立 燕尾 突变模型。

  • Patterns in Nature : Butterflies Colorful gerbera daisies highlight the rich coloration of a spicebush swallowtail butterfly ( Papilio troilus ) .

    蝴蝶在自然界的模式。华美的大丁草雏菊突出其富有的染色――西美腊梅 燕尾蝴蝶。

  • I watched the locals praying at the Matsu Temple dating from the late 16th century with its stunning woodcarvings sweeping swallowtail roof and a palpable sense of the eternal .

    我看到当地人在妈祖庙(MatsuTemple)里祈祷,扫 燕尾屋顶的妈祖庙始建于16世纪末,庙里的木雕工艺巧夺天工,宁静悠长的历史感触手可及。

  • The citrus swallowtail beautiful and animate gave happiness to this family .

    美丽而 富有生气的柑橘 凤蝶,给这个家带来了欢乐。

  • A study in fauna and ecological distribution of swallowtail in Hainan Island

    海南岛 凤蝶的区系与生态分布的研究

  • The actual connection area S ′ should be greater than Pb / ( 2 σ 0 . 2 sin α 2 ) in order to avoiding the fatigue failure due to uneven swallowtail connection .

    为避免非均匀 接触 导致的疲劳破坏,盘片 燕尾 连接的实际接触面积S应大于 Pb/(2σ0.2sinα2)。

  • Finite Element Analysis on Swallowtail Strcture of Drop Hammer Dies

    锤锻模 燕尾结构有限元分析

  • Photoelastic study of dynamic stress concentration at swallowtail on hammer forging die

    锤锻模 燕尾动态应力集中的光弹性研究

  • A magnified shot shows the head of a tiger swallowtail butterfly larva .

    这个放大的照片显示一只 凶猛 蝶幼虫的头部。

  • Colorful gerbera daisies highlight the rich coloration of a spicebush swallowtail butterfly .

    大自然的图案:蝴蝶。华美的非洲菊加亮这富有的着色的洋腊梅 燕尾