swap status

[swɑp ˈstetəs][swɔp ˈsteitəs]

[计] 交换状态

  • Due to the specialities and innovative characters of integrate assets swap its criterion operation pricing disclosure and regulation all need theoretical support . An investigation of the current status and forecast of its prospect are also necessary .

    由于这种 交易 本身的特殊性和创新特点,其规范、运作、计价、披露和监管迫切需要理论上的支持、 现状的调查和发展趋势的准确把握。

  • The recent Greek bonds swap which allowed the ECB to avoid loss has confirmed this status .

    最近让欧洲央行得以避免损失的希腊债券 互换证实了这种 地位