

v.诅咒,咒骂( swear的现在分词 )(使某人)就…宣誓郑重承诺发誓要

  • Her brother 's absolutely barking & he wanders around town all day swearing at everyone .

    她哥哥完全疯了&一整天在镇里闲逛, 诅咒每一个人。

  • Am I swearing or waving my arms around ?


  • What did I tell you about swearing in this house ?

    我告诉过你在 里该怎么

  • She 's just swearing at her computer .

    她只是在对电脑 脾气

  • Each other scold you : ( various swearing words )! You should answer : what are you doing self-introduction ?

    对方骂你:(各种 骂人的脏话)!你要回答:你在做自我介绍吗?

  • Tom 's swearing is beyond redemption ; no one invites him to party any more .

    汤姆 出言不逊 恶习简直不可救药。没人 请他参加聚会了。

  • Stop swearing marcus ! I don 't like to hear you talking like that .

    别再 天咒地了,马库斯!我不喜欢听到你那样说话。

  • I had to go through the whole rigmarole of swearing in front of the judge and kissing the Bible .

    我必须经过在法官前 宣誓和亲吻圣经等整个繁琐费时的程序。

  • We left him swearing at us and went back into the kitchen .

    我们没理会他对我们的 咒骂,回到厨房。

  • Here they go with the swearing business again .

    他们又来搞 什么 发誓了。

  • I said Fuck off ( swearing word ) to them and then runaway .

    我对他们说 滚蛋赶快跑了。

  • She flounced out of the room swearing loudly .

    她大声 离开了房间。

  • You do know that swearing is a sign of a limited vocabulary don 't you ?

    你确实知道 骂人就是说明词穷了,是不是?

  • He tried to cry off after swearing he would do it .

    发誓要做此事,之后 试图撒手不干了。

  • I couldn 't live with his habitual swearing .

    我不能忍受他惯用的 诅咒 发誓

  • He was shocked to hear his child swearing .

    他听见他孩子 骂人非常 生气

  • Soaked in sweat I gave up and returned home angrily swearing not to let them out again .

    我满身是汉,一肚子气的回了家, 发誓 以后再也不让它们出去了。

  • He was shocked to hear his daughter swearing .

    听到他女儿 赌咒,他甚为震惊。

  • I came very close to swearing when I heard the door open .

    霎时我怒火冲天, 正要 破口大骂时,我听到了开门的声音。

  • He gave vent to his anger by swearing loudly .

    他高声 咒骂以发泄他的愤怒。

  • I am given to understand that he was swearing throughout the game at our fans .

    我得知整场比赛中他一直 我方球迷 停。

  • Then he starts swearing at me !

    看见以后开始 我。

  • This principle appears in many hadiths that prohibit cursing and swearing .

    这个原则在禁止诅咒与 发誓的许多圣训中曾多次出现。

  • Stop swearing : it 's a bad habit .


  • CNN is partnering with Facebook to provide live streaming of the swearing in and Obama 's speech .

    CNN和Facebook合作,对 宣誓 就职和奥巴马的就职演讲提供现场直播。

  • He could hear them shouting and swearing at each other .

    他能听见他们在吵闹和相互 咒骂

  • He was in a right tizzy muttering and swearing

    他心情非常烦乱,嘴里咕咕哝哝地 咒骂着。

  • I 'm pretty sure she was swearing too .

    我保证,她也在 诅咒你。

  • Everywhere in the world you can hear people swearing or using foul language .

    在世界各地你都可以听到人们 脏话或使用粗俗的语言。