swear at

[swɛr æt][swɛə æt]


  • But swear by that only if you must or don 't swear at all .

    但是只在你觉得必须发誓的情况 发誓,否则请不要 任何誓言。

  • She didn 't shout or swear but just glared silently at me .

    她不叫喊也 咒骂,而只是默默地 怒视着我。

  • Don 't hit or swear at people .

    )不打人 骂人

  • I swear to God I was never at that place .

    我对上帝 发誓我从未 过那个地方。

  • Don 't swear at anyone particularly not a boss or a customer .

    随便是人就 ,特别是不能 老板或客户。

  • The two tints swear at each other .

    这两种色彩很不 协调

  • How sure ? I won 't swear under oath but at least I thought she died instantly .

    我不会 诅咒发誓,但 至少我当时认为她是当即就死了的。

  • You have no right to swear at me like taht !

    你没权那样 咒骂我!

  • I swear I 'm mad at that max.


  • We found men who love us even though we 're still cranky and neurotic haven 't got our careers together and sometimes talk too loudly drink too much and swear at the television news .

    我们发现,即使仍旧暴躁、神经质、事业不顺,有时大声讲话、喝酒过量, 对着电视新闻骂娘,他还是爱着你。

  • When I started to swear at furniture I knew it was time to stop drinking .

    当我开始 对着家具开 的时候,我就知道该停止喝酒了。

  • Swear at people is disgraceful please keep Internet civilization .


  • Men 's freedom is plenty men 's territory is big men are allowed to smoke and indulge in drinking able to swear at people and get feelings and emotions off one 's chest as they pleases .

    男人的自由多,男人的领域大;男人可以抽烟酗酒,可以 大声 骂人,可以随意宣泄自己的感情。

  • Shut up ! How dare you swear at me like that !

    住嘴,你竟敢那样 咒骂我!

  • Why did you swear at missing the bus ? There 'll be another soon .

    错过这趟汽车有什么好 的?马上又有一趟车来了。

  • A painter wants to be a musician and paint symphonies and he is grieved because the uninstructed cannot hear his pictures although the colors do swear at each other .

    而画家则想当音乐家,想把交响乐画出来,并很苦恼那些缺乏修养的人听不出他画中的音乐,因为那些色彩 明明 互相咆哮着。

  • I swear Mama stay mad at me .

    发誓妈妈还在 我的气。

  • They search the shed where the firewood is kept break every piece of wood find no marijuana swear at Tom and leave .

    他们搜查了存放木柴的库房,把木柴劈成一块一块,没有找到太麻,就 对着汤姆口出 ,然后离去。

  • Do not swear at all ; Or if thou wilt swear by thy gracious self which is the god of my idolatry and I 'll believe thee .

    不用 起誓 ;或者要是你愿意的话,就凭着你优美的自身起誓,那是我所崇拜的偶像,我一定会相信你的。

  • When he brought it back I swear it had grown at least a foot in all directions from the last time I saw it ( not important it just intrigued me ) .

    当他把通灵板拿来的时候,我 确信它比我刚才看到时面积 至少大了一平方英尺(不过没什麽大不了的,这倒正好激发我的兴趣)。

  • We didn 't beat or swear at people .

    我们既没有打人,也没有 骂人

  • Doctors when taking the Hippocratic oath swear to preserve life at all costs and it is their ethical and legal duty to follow both the spirit and the letter of this oath .

    医生在宣读希波克拉底誓言的时候已 宣誓 不惜一切代价保护生命,他们 道德和法律上都有义务遵守这个誓言的字面意思和精神实质。

  • Don 't make me swear at you you piece of shit !

    别让我 诅咒你,你这个混蛋!

  • Ah ! and the devil teaches you to swear at daddy ?

    啊!鬼教你去 爸爸啦?

  • When the taxi driver started to swear at him he walked off .

    出租车司机开始 咒骂他时,他走开了。

  • And I be riding I swear I see your face at every turn .

    发誓我看见你的脸 每个转角。

  • Daddy cannot bide me because I swear at him .

    爸爸才受不了我呢,因为我 他。

  • And you swear you 're looking at heaven .

    发誓天堂 遥望

  • Imagine having to write I must not swear at my teachers 200 times !

    想象一下要把“我一定不再 诅咒我的老师”这 写两百遍!