swapping memory


  • If the number of free pages in the system falls below this limit the kernel will start swapping more aggressively to free memory and maintain system performance .

    如果系统中可用页面的数目低于这一限制,则内核将以较积极的方式启动 交换,以释放 内存,从而维持系统性能。

  • If you try to tune a server when there is no free CPU or where the operating system is swapping virtual memory you won 't get very far .

    如果您在没有空闲CPU时或者在操作系统 需要 交换虚拟 内存的地方试图优化服务器,则无法使其变得很快。

  • The effective management for a resident data area a transient area and a free area in main memory reduces the table swapping between the main memory and the disk .

    通过对 内存常驻数据区、临时数据区和空白区的有效管理,从而减少了 常用表的 内外 频繁 切换,提高了 效率

  • This process is called swapping because the pages are swapped from memory onto the hard disk .

    这个过程称为 交换,因为页面会被从 内存交换到硬盘上。

  • The data swapping strategy and its evaluation in real time main memory database system

    实时 内存数据库的数据 交换策略及评价

  • To avoid host swapping each guest 's memory balloon is dynamically adjusted in accordance with host and guest memory pressure .

    为了避免主机 交换,每个客户的 内存膨胀都根据主机和客户内存压力动态调整。

  • This strategy can be applied to any other systems based on social networks and main memory databases . Secondly a swapping strategy based on Markov process for main memory database is proposed .

    这个策略也可以被用到基于社会网络和内存数据库的其他系统中。接下来,本文提出了一个基于马尔科夫过程的 内存数据库 交换策略。

  • Speed Information Swapping & Select Engine ( SISE ) technology is introduced to Middle Business System which improves the system efficiently by building database in memory .

    中间业务系统采用 内存引擎技术, 数据库建在 内存中,以提高系统运行效率。

  • Our memory ballooning strategy is designed to prevent host swapping instead directing memory pressure onto the guests .

    我们的内存膨胀策略的思路是防止主机 交换,把 内存压力转移到其他客户上。

  • Soon after that the kernel starts swapping some of those pages to disk in anticipation of having to allocate memory to the process that 's allocating memory .

    在此之后,如果内核预计必须为请求 内存的进程分配内存,它就会开始 一些页面 交换到磁盘。

  • This is generally done by swapping units of address space back and forth as needed between a storage device and memory .

    通常,这是通过来回在存储设备与 内存之间 交换地址空间的单元而实现的。

  • This paper discusses the strategy and realization of the data swapping based on the ART - ⅱ( an Active real-time main memory database ) which is developed by ourselves .

    该文针对一个自主开发的主动实时 内存数据库系统(ART-Ⅱ),介绍了其 内外 数据 交换的策略及实现。