


  • Ln the pictures of aliens ufo the yeti hellboy .

    这些异形,飞碟, 雪人,地狱男爵的照片。

  • However its entirely possible that youre not willing to commit yourself to such a major life change yetI mean you dont even have the offer !

    然而,你目前完全有可能不愿意做出生活中这么重大的改变 的意思是,你甚至无法拿到这个职位!

  • The Yeti is said to be a large hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being .

    据说, 野人是一种 体型较大、全身长毛、能像人一样双脚站立行走的动物。

  • Biologists with California 's Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute which organized the expedition hope to return to search for more yeti crabs farther south in the waters off Antarctica .

    组织这次 深海探险的加州蒙特理海湾水族研究所的生物学家希望能对更南方的南极洲水域里的 更进一步的研究。

  • ' Oriental yeti ' discovered in China

    中国发现东方 雪人

  • Nailed to the wall by the back of its scalp was the hide of a ' red yeti ' he wrote later .

    后脑头皮钉在墙上,实为‘红 雪人’的皮,他在书中这样写道。

  • The Yeti Roast Duck Office has decided to have a clampdown on building new chain stores .

    雪人烤鸭 总店决定不准再建新的连锁店。

  • At the same time we dedicated serious study to dream interpretation the Yeti 's footprints and the practice of hypnotizing chickens ( by swinging them around no less ) .

    他们 了解析梦境、 雪人的足迹和催眠小鸡做了严谨的研究(还是通过左右晃动它们)。

  • I started to believe he was just a myth a modern Yeti a figment of some very disturbed people imaginations .

    我开始相信他只是一个神话,一个现代化的 雪人,有一些非常不安的人想像虚构。

  • You might run into a Yeti in the Himalayas

    你也许在喜马拉雅山上会 无意中遇到 雪人