yolk cells

[医] 卵黄细胞

  • Results : There was strong characteristic apoptotic DNA ladder in yolk sac cells in embryopathic offspring from experimentally induced diabetic rats and activities of ERK1 / 2 were dramatically decreased ( group 2 ) .

    结果:第2组中, 卵黄细胞出现细胞凋亡特征性的DNALadder,与正常对照组相比ERK1/2蛋白激酶活性显著下降;

  • Embryo encircled the yolk the primordial germ cells are near the back-gut .

    胚体绕 卵黄将近一周,原始生殖 细胞出现在胚体后肠附近。

  • A yellow phospholipid found in egg yolk and in many plant and animal cells ; used commercially as an emulsifier .

    一种黄色的磷脂,见于 蛋黄和许多植物动物 细胞中,商用作乳化剂。

  • Investigation of Murine Yolk Sac Multipotent Mesenchymal Stem Cells Combined with Collagen Surface-Modified CPC in Vitro

    小鼠 卵黄囊间质干 细胞多向分化潜能及其体外复合胶原表面改性CPC的实验研究

  • During human and fetal development yolk sac fetal liver spleen and bone marrow give birth to blood cells in turn .

    在胚胎与胎儿期,依次由 卵黄囊、肝、脾、骨髓完成造血;出生后,骨髓成为主要的 造血场所。

  • The activity of RNA and DNA of follicular cells are especially active during yolk formation period . So it is considered that some material which is synthesized and secreted by follicular cells joins the formation of livetin .

    滤泡上皮细胞在卵母细胞的 卵黄形成期,其RNA和DNA活动尤其活跃,因此认为滤泡上皮 细胞合成分泌了一些物质参与卵黄蛋白的形成。

  • Effect of Egg Yolk Phosphatidylcholine on Recovery of Freeze-dried Red Blood Cells

    蛋黄卵磷脂对冻干红 细胞恢复率的影响

  • Effects of Col ⅰ / CPC on the growth and expression of BMP-2 of murine yolk sac mesenchymal stem cells in vitro

    胶原表面改性CPC对小鼠 卵黄囊间质干 细胞体外生长与BMP-2表达的影响

  • Conclusion The committed differentiation from yolk sac stem cells to CFU GM is affected by many factors .

    结论: 卵黄囊干 细胞具有向cFUGM分化的能力;