


  • Coating color : RZU RZY Gray or Yellowish .

    涂装颜色:RZU、RZY灰色或 黄色

  • The chief symptom is a whitish or yellowish vaginal discharge .

    主要症状是从阴道流出一种白色或 黄色的分泌物。

  • The characteristic is the yellowish dome shaped shelter .

    日本石龟的特点是 黄色的和圆顶形状的龟甲。

  • Of a light brown or yellowish brown color . She has hazel eyes .

    她有一双淡褐色的眼睛。 介于 褐色到褐 黄色 之间的颜色。

  • Pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed .

    梨形的热带水果,果皮绿色或浅黑色,果肉 黄色,肉质丰富,独核,核大。

  • Thicker milky or light yellowish mucus means your cold is progressing .

    鼻涕 有些粘稠、浑浊不清或者浅 黄色的黏液意味着伤风加重了。

  • Flesh of American flounder having a yellowish tail .

    有一条 黄色尾巴的美洲比目鱼的肉。

  • Any of various plants of the genus Uvularia having yellowish drooping bell-shaped flowers .

    颚花属的任何一种植物,具有 的、下垂的、呈铃形的花。

  • A color ranging in various industries from moderate yellowish pink to grayish yellow .

    在不同工业中从柔和的 粉色到灰黄色的色彩。

  • They have a yellowish color owing to the accumulation of elastin in the media .

    因中膜中含有很多弹性纤维所以 黄色

  • The yellowish transparent body with holding its green transparent wings appeared from the back of the pupa .

    蛹的后背破,然后有 黄色透明的身体和绿色透明的翅膀翅膀折叠出现了。

  • Small yellowish moths whose larvae feed on wool or fur .

    其幼虫吃毛或皮的 黄色小蛾子。

  • Chartreuse green a pale orange yellow to grayish yellow or yellowish gray .

    卡尔特绿(黄绿色)浅橙黄色到 浅黄灰色或浅灰黄色。

  • It was a yellowish brown and seemed coated with a rough and half-dry mucus .

    而是一种 褐色,就像被涂上了一层粗糙而半干的粘液。

  • Similar to the color of jade ; especially varying from bluish green to yellowish green .

    类似于玉石的颜色;特别是介于带蓝色的绿色到 绿色之间不等。

  • Mostly tropical American shrubs or small trees with small yellowish flowers and yellow or red fruits .

    大多是热带的美国的灌木或乔木,长有小黄花和 黄或红的果实。

  • A cat having black and cream and yellowish markings .

    有黑色、乳白色和 黄色斑纹的猫。

  • Downy juicy fruit with sweet yellowish or whitish flesh .

    布满绒毛的多汁甜水果,果肉 或淡白。

  • A hard yellowish to brownish translucent fossil resin ; used for jewelry .

    一种坚硬的 黄色到褐色的半透明化石树脂,用来制造珠宝。

  • Of a yellowish brown color similar to olive drab .

    指一种与 黄色类似的黄褐色。

  • Widely distributed brown or black North American salamander with vertical yellowish blotches .

    广泛分布的褐色或黑色北美洲蝾螈,身上有垂直的 黄色斑纹。

  • They have yellowish buff skins straight black hair and often high cheek-bones .

    他们有 黄色的皮肤,黑色直形的头发和常常突出的颧骨。

  • The sapwood is yellowish with a hard and heavy heartwood .

    边材 黄色,心材坚硬而且沉重。

  • Fleshy sweet pear-shaped yellowish or purple multiple fruit eaten fresh or preserved or dried .

    肉质甜美、梨形的 黄色或紫色的多层果实,鲜果时食用,储存或晒干后也可以食用。

  • Most living corals are yellowish brownish or olive .

    活珊瑚的 颜色多为 黄色、棕色、或橄榄色。

  • Lizard with black and yellowish beadlike scales ; of western Mexico .

    长有珠子状的黑色和 黄色鳞片的蜥蜴;产于墨西哥西部。

  • Large oval melon-like tropical fruit with yellowish flesh .

    大的、椭圆形的、柠檬样的热带水果,果肉 黄色

  • Fragrant oval yellowish tropical fruit used in jellies and confections .

    芬芳的、椭圆形、 黄色热带水果,用来做果冻和糖果。

  • The yellowish centre contains bacteria sebum and dead skin cells .
