


  • Coffee convenient leisure food baking food bread biscuit cakes dry fruit preserved fruit and confection can food sweetmeat candy chocolate exhibition

    咖啡,方便的休闲食品,烘焙食品,面包,饼干,糕点,干果,蜜饯及甜点,可以食品, 蜜饯,糖果,巧克力展览

  • The equipment on vacuum continuous soakage of sweetmeat is good production cycle is short . It have improved the quality of product and processing level .

    蜜饯真空连续浸渍装置 卫生 条件好,生产周期短,提高了产品的质量及加工水平。

  • Italian food besides certain sweetmeat and olive oil it is really dare not flatter .

    意大利的食物 ,除了某些 甜食和橄榄油以外,实在是不敢恭维。

  • Dutch weddings traditionally include heavy eating including a sweetmeat called bridal sugar and spiced wine called bride 's tears .

    传统的荷兰婚礼包括大吃一 人们 称作“新娘糖”的 一种被称作“新娘泪”的香料酒。

  • Franz did not disturb him whilst he absorbed his favorite sweetmeat but when he had finished he inquired & what then is this precious stuff ?

    当他聚精会神地 吞咽他那心爱的 珍品的时候,弗兰兹并没有去打扰他,但当他吃完以后,他就问道:“那么,这个宝贵的东西究竟是什么呢?”

  • Vacuum continuous soakage on sweetmeat is grand reformation of sweetmeat processing .


  • The ice cabinet is only limited to store the molding raw material sweetmeat cores .

    所述冰柜只限存放成型原料 甜品芯。

  • Psychologist Kurt Lewin discovered that women the gatekeepers of the family diet began to reconsider their opinion of sweetmeat through conversations they had with each other .

    心理学家库尔特• 勒温发现, 当时 留守 后方的妇女们通过互相之间的谈话, 其中 很多改变了不吃 动物 内脏的习惯。