yellow peril

[ˈjɛlo ˈpɛrəl][ˈjeləu ˈperil]


  • When we were the Sick Man of Asia We were called The Yellow Peril .

    当我们是东亚病夫时, 你们 贬斥我们 造成 黄祸

  • The Theory of Superiority of Japanese Race under the Theory of Yellow Peril


  • When we were called Sick man of Asia we were called The Yellow Peril .

    当我们被称为“东亚病夫”时,我们也被称为“ 黄祸”。

  • Asian American images in American history are reflected in two opposite periods from 1870s ' Yellow Peril to 1960s ' Model Minority Myth the similarity of which finds its root in Anglo-Saxon people 's subjective recognition and their practical consideration of economic political benefits .

    美国历史上的亚裔形象经历了从 黄祸 到模范族裔这两个截然相反的阶段,二者共同之处在于都只是盎格鲁-撒克逊民族出于自身利益对亚洲民族的主观界定。

  • As Russian numbers sag and as Chinese traders and labourers become more visible in Russian cities fearful talk of the yellow peril has flourished .

    随著俄罗斯人口的减少,以及中国的商人和务工者在俄罗斯城市中日益增多,“ 黄祸”的可怕议论开始甚嚣尘上。

  • Oh no we need protection from the Yellow peril !

    哦不我们需要保护自己免受 黄祸

  • The Origin of the Yellow Peril View and Its Influence

    国际关系视野下的 黄祸 黄祸 的形成根源及影响

  • Already Russian politicians exploit the yellow peril fear .

    俄罗斯的政治家们已经开始利用对“ 黄祸”的恐惧。

  • Yellow peril gets widest propaganda in American naturalism literature which is in line with social Darwinism prevalent at that time ;

    黄祸论滥觞于美国自然主义文学 之中,与当时流行的社会达尔文主义同出一源;

  • Inside every China sceptic is a prophet of the New Yellow Peril waiting to be let out .

    每个中国怀疑论者都有一个呼之欲出的新 黄祸的预言。