symmetric difference


  • A group of asymmetric difference schemes to approach the dispersive equation is given here . Using the schemes and the symmetric Crank-Nicolson type scheme the parallel alternating difference scheme for solving the dispersive equation is constructed .

    本文给出了一组逼近色散方程的非对称差分格式,并用这组格式和 对称的Crank-Nicolson型格式构造了求解色散方程的并行交替分段 分隐格式。

  • The object matching procedure has two phases : the first phase is to mtch the normalized linear quadtrees of the unknown object to a subset of models contained in a library utilizing a measure of symmetric difference ;

    客体匹配包括两步过程:第一步是利用 对称 的度鞋匹配待识别客体的标准线性四元树到库中一模型子集;

  • Discussion for Convergences of Uniform Symmetric Difference Metric

    关于一致 对称 度量收敛问题的讨论

  • The paper modify the image intensifier computing systems to be revolving and symmetric structure using single channel expanding computing model calculate the electrostatic field distribution of the image intensifier using finite difference method calculate equipotential distribution using tracing method calculate electron trajectory using Runge-Kutta method .

    采用单孔扩展计算模式使像增强器计算系统为旋转 对称结构,采用有限 法计算像增强器中的静电场电位分布,采用追迹法计算等位线分布,采用龙格库塔法计算电子轨迹。

  • A Symmetric Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm Based on Relaxed Cyclic Difference Set

    一种基于松弛循环 集的 对称分布式互斥算法

  • The symmetric difference of the events

    事件的 对称

  • Different from the homogeneous individuals described in the symmetric connections model the difference of individuals is a general phenomenon in our life .

    不同于 均衡连接模型中描述的同质个体,个体 差异 是现实生活中普遍存在的现象。

  • Symmetric Difference Metric and Its Basic Properties

    对称 度量及基本性质

  • The second phase is to generate the normalized linear octrees of the object and these selected models and then match the normalized linear octree of the unknown object to the model with the minimum symmetric difference .

    第二步是生成客体和这些候选模型的标准线八元树,然后匹配待识别客体的标准线性八元树到具有最小 对称 的模型。

  • Based on the first-order form of compressible stability equations a family of symmetric compacted difference schemes with high precision is employed for the boundary value problem in numerical stability analysis .

    基于可压扰动方程组的一阶改型,将高精度 对称 紧致格式引入边值法数值线性稳定性分析。

  • The symmetric difference decomposition method gives an algorithm for the former problem (§ 4 ) which is equivalent to the revised simplex algorithm for linear programming .

    对称 分解法自然得到一个算法(§4),相当于改进单纯形算法。

  • Moving target detection this paper proposes a new train of thought namely combine symmetric difference method and background subtraction method detecting moving objects within the scene together .

    运动目标的检测方面,提出了一种新的思路,即把 对称 法和背景差分法结合起来共同检测场景内的运动目标。

  • Hybrid detection algorithm based on the symmetric difference and multi-Gaussian background subtraction is implemented .

    基于 对称 和多高斯背景差分,实现混合检测算法。

  • Numerical Analysis of Viscous Spatial Stability in Supersonic Shear Layers Using Symmetric Compact Difference Method

    超声速粘性剪切流空间稳定性 对称紧致 数值分析

  • A family of high accuracy symmetric compact difference schemes are introduced to discretize the stability equations and then a high efficiency dual reverse iteration with complex form is improved for the eigenvalue searching .

    在稳定性方程离散中引入了一类高精度 对称紧致 格式,在特征值搜索中发展了一个高效率复矩阵双重反迭代算法。

  • The Cauchy Problem for p-mean Symmetric Difference Metric (ⅰ)

    p-平均 对称 度量的Cauchy问题(Ⅰ)

  • We examine the super compact symmetric finite difference scheme ( SCSFD ) and compare it with traditional difference methods and compact difference methods .

    用分块流水线方法设计了超 紧致 分格式的并行算法,进行数值实验及并行性能分析。

  • These observations suggest that more symmetric and detailed information regarding past actions reduces the difference between giving by partners and giving by strangers but sufficient repetitions are necessary for this difference to be markedly reduced .

    这些观察建议,若过去行为的信息在合伙人与陌生人间较 对称也较详细,则合伙人与陌生人间捐献的 差异将缩小,但实验回合数必须够长才能使此一差异明显下降。

  • The contractive rates on both sides in symmetric part were basically of the same for horizontal pouring while of extreme difference for vertical pouring .

    采用水平卧式浇注,铸件 对称的两边收缩率基本相同;而采用垂直立式浇注,铸件 对称的上下收缩率 相差 较大

  • The Convergences of p-mean Symmetric Difference Metric about Algebraic Operations

    p-平均 对称 度量关于代数运算的收敛问题

  • Symmetric Difference Applying in the Operation of Events

    对称 在事件运算中的应用

  • Symmetric Super Compact Difference Scheme of the Navier-Stokes Equation and Its Parallel Algorithm

    求解可压Navier-Stokes方程的 对称超紧致 格式及其并行算法

  • The Convergence Criterion and the Form of Representation of Limit p-mean Symmetric Difference Metric

    p- 对称 度量的收敛判别法及极限表达式

  • Boolean algebra and subtraction algebra The symmetric difference about sets

    Boolean代数与减法代数关于集合的 对称

  • An object may be identified by matching its shape to one of a number of models contained in a library utilizing a measure of symmetric difference .

    利用 对称 的度量匹配某客体的形状到库中一模型来识别它。

  • The Convergent Theorem for P mean Symmetric Difference Metric

    P-平均 对称 度量的收敛定理