

v.肿胀增强( swell的过去式和过去分词 )(使)凸出充满(激情)

  • Her ankle swelled up after the fall .

    她跌倒后脚踝 了。

  • The sense of triumph and renewed possession swelled within him .

    胜利和重新占有的感觉 在他 心里 涌起

  • Rills of muddy water rushed and swelled the stream and sunk my boat .

    浑水像小河般 流溢,把我的船冲 了。

  • His bank balance has swelled by £ 222 in the last three weeks

    在过去的3周里,他银行的存款多 222英镑。

  • The sails swelled out in the wind .

    船帆 迎风 鼓起

  • My arm swelled up where I was stung by a bee .

    我手臂上被蜜蜂螫过处 了起来。

  • My collarbone was fractured and my brain swelled up .

    我的锁骨骨折了,大脑 积水 肿胀

  • The veins of the throat swelled ;

    脖子上的血管 起来

  • And a swift bee stung his hand and it swelled up .

    并且一只敏捷的蜜蜂叮了他手一口。他的手 肿胀起来。

  • His breast swelled with emotion .


  • The human population swelled at least temporarily as migrants moved south

    随着移居者南移,人口 出现 膨胀,至少是暂时性 膨胀

  • Heavenly music swelled from nowhere .

    不知从何处 响起 天籁般的音乐。

  • Scarlett 's heart swelled with affection and gratitude to will who had done all of this .

    思嘉明白这一切都要归功于威尔, 因而心里 充满殷切的感激之情。

  • The breeze swelled out his light clothes .

    微风 鼓起了他那轻薄的衣衫。

  • Her cheeks swelled out .

    她的两颊 起来

  • His heart swelled with pity .

    他的心里 充满 爱怜。

  • He has a somewhat swelled head I don 't like this .

    他颇有点 自大,我不大喜欢他这一点。

  • The beans swelled up after being soaked .

    豆子泡 了。

  • Enduring the huge pain he crawled to a shelter and sucked the poison from the swelled wound .

    忍受着巨大的痛苦,他爬到一处隐蔽处,从 肿胀的伤口中吸出毒汁。

  • My face swelled up because of an inflammation of a wisdom tooth .

    我的脸因一颗智齿发炎 了起来。

  • His face swelled up with the toothache .

    牙痛使他的脸 了。

  • The ball is fully swelled with air .

    这球已 气。

  • My eyes swelled with tears .

    我的眼睛 含着泪。

  • Our ranks have swelled .


  • The lining of his SPI armor swelled taking on water weighing him down .

    SPI盔甲的内衬层 膨胀了,吸 水,把他向下坠。

  • Students from India China and eastern Europe have swelled the ranks of applicants .

    来自印度、中国和东欧国家的学生 扩大 申请者的规模。

  • She jumped off the platform spraining the ankle that swelled suddenly .

    她从台子上跳了下来,扭到了脚踝,很快脚踝就 起来了。

  • His finger has swelled up .

    他的食指 起来了。