symbol sequence

[ˈsɪmbəl ˈsikwəns][ˈsimbəl ˈsi:kwəns]


  • A new synchronization algorithm is proposed in localized MIMO channel environment including estimation of symbol timing integral frequency offset and fractional frequency offset . The new synchronization is achieved using shift-orthogonal training sequence which is simultaneously transmitted from all transmit antennas in the same OFDM time instant .

    论文针对集中式MIMO信道环境下的MIMO-OFDM系统,利用各个发射天线同时发送的移位正交训练 序列,设计了新的同步解决方案,包括 符号同步、整数频偏估计和小数频偏估计。

  • Secondly the paper analyzes how does synchronization error influence OFDM system and bring forward combined time and frequency synchronization algorithm based on cyclic prefix pilot symbol and preamble sequence techniques . In addition an improved algorithm is introduced .

    接着分析了同步误差对系统的影响。详细介绍了基于循环前缀、导频 符号和训练 序列的OFDM系统 符号定时和载波频率联合同步算法,并提出了改进算法。

  • Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearings Based on Chaos and Symbol Sequence Statistics

    基于混沌和 符号 序列统计的滚动轴承故障诊断

  • The correlation between the coded symbol sequences was considered and a multi-order context probability model ( MOCPM ) was built to reduce redundancy between symbols by using bigger probability value of symbol sequence instead of smaller probability value of single symbol .

    考虑了编码符号序列之间的相关性,用 符号 序列的大概率值代替单个符号的较小概率值,由此建立了多阶上下文概率模型,降低符号间的冗余度。

  • According to the features of recognizing a simulated operating process the recognition methods and features of these objects characterized as an one-dimension data or a symbol sequence have been compared in detail and the adaptability of the recognition methods to action sequence recognition has been analyzed .

    根据对模拟操作过程识别的特点,对上述各种对象特征可以提取为一维数据或 符号 序列的识别方法及特点进行了比较详细的对比,分析了这些识别方法在动作序列识别上的适应性。

  • Experimentally the input pulse sequence with the same cycle and with the unequal cycle act on H-H model respectively . The experimental results show that the output symbol sequence corresponds with the input sequence .

    分别将等周期和非等周期的输入刺激信号作用于H-H模型,得到输出脉冲序列对应的 符号序列,实验结果表明输出脉冲 符号 序列与输入脉冲间存在着一定的对应关系。

  • The research of OFDM symbol synchronization arithmetic based on training sequence

    基于训练 序列的OFDM 符号同步算法研究

  • A cumulants-based algorithm for estimating the signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR ) of MPSK signals is proposed on the assumption of unknown phase level orders and unknown symbol sequence of the MPSK signals in the received data .

    在未知MPSK信号调制阶数,未知接收 码元 序列条件下,提出一种基于高阶累量的可同时实现MPSK信号调制类型的初步分类和比较的精确的信噪比估计算法。

  • Same of Important Conception of Complexity Research about the Symbol Sequence in Network

    网络 符号 序列复杂性研究的几个重要概念

  • To investigate the blind estimation of the symbol rate of a long code direct sequence spread spectrum ( DSSS ) signal an algorithm based on autocorrelation processing is proposed .

    针对长码直接 序列扩频(DSSS)信号的 符号速率估计的难题,提出了基于相关处理的方法。

  • Text information hiding based on inverse order of part of speech symbol sequence

    基于词性 标记 序列逆序数的文本信息隐藏算法

  • This thesis presents a framework for video structure syntax mining . Based on shot segmentation an improved method of frequency sensitive competitive learning ( FSCL ) is put forward to achieve unsupervised shots clustering and transform video stream into symbol sequence .

    确定了视频结构语法挖掘框架,在镜头分割的基础上,提出改进的FSCL算法进行无监督镜头聚类,把视频流数据转化为 符号 序列

  • So long as X is compact manifold it has finite open covering using different letters to name every open set of open covering only need to use finite character set through dynamics various symbol sequence were formed with using this character set .

    f:X→X只要X是紧致流形,它就具备有限的开覆盖,以不同的字母命名各片覆盖,只需用到有限的字母集合,用这个字母集合可以通过动力学生成种种 符号 序列

  • Three Symbol Synchronization Algorithms Based on PN Sequence for OFDM Systems

    OFDM系统中利用PN 序列实现 符号同步的3种算法

  • In the initiation phase a pilot symbol sequence designed is capitalized to assure frame-level acquisition and pulse-level tracking .

    在初始阶段,通过设计导 序列,以实现帧级的捕获和脉冲级跟踪;

  • Speech Recognition ( SR ) is such a kind of technology that deals with speech signal with computer and recognizes them to symbol sequence .

    语音识别技术(SR)是利用计算机处理语音信号,并将语音信号转换成有 意义 符号 序列的一项技术。

  • For the symbol rate estimation of the DSSS / BPSK signal the time autocorrelation method is introduced by analyzing the autocorrelation of the spreading sequence and the minimum distance between the correlation peaks is the symbol period to be estimated . 4 .

    针对DSSS/BPSK信号 符号速率估计,通过分析扩频 序列的自相关性,介绍了时域自相关法,通过计算相关峰之间的最小距离来估计符号周期。

  • The experimental results show that the objective can be identified by output symbol sequence .

    实验结果表明,基本可以根据输出脉冲 对应 符号 序列来确定目标的 方位,说明回声定位能以这种方式来实现。

  • In Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum ( DSSS ) signal a symbol information is multiplied with a pseudo-random sequence to spread the spectrum so when the channel capacity is fixed the Signal-to-Noise Ratio ( SNR ) tolerance of the transmission signal can be reduced .

    在直接序列扩频(DSSS)信号中,一个 符号信息与一个伪随机 序列相乘来扩展频谱,使之在信道容量一定时,降低可传输信号的信噪比容限。

  • We also presented the learning and prediction methods of LZ complexity kernel based support vector machine ( SVM ) in pattern analysis of symbol sequence .

    给出了基于LZ复杂性核的支持向量机模型在 符号 序列的模式分析中进行学习和预测的方法。

  • Due to the obvious impact of frequency offset on PN sequences based on the FH sequence a symbol synchronization scheme with a conjugate symmetric training sequence is proposed .

    针对频偏对PN序列相关性影响比较明显的问题,提出了一种利用FH序列构造的具有共轭对称性质的训练 序列进行 符号同步的方案。

  • A Novel OFDM Symbol Timing Algorithm Based on PN Training Sequence

    一种基于PN训练 序列的OFDM 符号定时算法

  • Chaos Masking Chaos Shift Keying Chaos Parameter Modulation and Chaos Symbol Sequence Spectrum Spreading are currently the four most interesting chaos applications in communication .

    混沌掩盖、混沌键控、混沌参数调制、混沌 符号 序列扩频是混沌在通信中的应用研究的4大热点。

  • The performance of direct sequence spread spectrum multiple access ( DS / SSMA ) system with this symbol / sequence TCM over flat Rayleigh fading channel has been investigated by theoretical analysis and numerical simulation .

    我们运用理论分析和数值模拟方法研究了在平坦瑞利衰落信道下采用该 符号序列TCM的直扩多址系统的性能。

  • Objective To detect the concentration of fetal DNA in maternal plasma . Methods As a symbol of fetal DNA SRY gene sequence in maternal plasma measured by a real-time quantitative PCR .

    目的定量检测孕妇血浆中游离胎儿DNA含量方法以SRY基因 序列作为胎儿DNA的基因 标志,应用实时定量PCR技术测定不同孕期的孕妇血浆中胎儿DNA的含量。

  • It is the symbol of the level of the members ' thought conception feelings and action in sequence and in whole .

    标志 全队成员在思想、观念、情感、行为方面的 有序化和一体化程度,具有 整合 凝聚作用。

  • This paper considers the problem of blind symbol rate estimation of signals linearly modulated by a sequence of unknown symbols .

    本文阐述了未知符号 序列经线性调制后,在接收端利用循环相关理论对 符号速率进行盲估计的问题。

  • Signals transferred and processed in the network are sequences consisting of neuron numbers ; each neuron performs a set of symbol and logic operation on such sequence .

    网络中处理和传递的信号为神经元编号组成的序列,神经元执行一组处理这种 序列 符号和逻辑运算;

  • We put these bricks as molecular tiles the four sides of it correspond to the four-arm which given marker symbol sequence of DX . DNA molecules can form arbitrarily selected tiles .

    我们把这些砖块当作分子瓦片,瓦片四条边对应着DX的四条臂给定标记 符号 序列,所以DNA分了可以构成任意选定的瓦片。