switch code

[swɪtʃ kod][switʃ kəud]

[计] 交换码,转换码

  • By using switch hall the successive displacement binary code was converted into magnetic-pole arrangement .

    通过 开关霍尔可以把这种二进制 编码转换成磁极的排列,实现起来很方便。

  • To get this type of decorator you must switch to another language with its own compiler and set up postprocessing for your Java code .

    要获取这种类型的修饰符,您必须 切换为另一个带有独立编译器的语言,并为您的Java 代码设置后期处理。

  • A scheme for designing the three-position switch with both analog and digital devices is presented with specific diagram and program code .

    介绍了一种利用模拟可编程器件和数字可编程器件设计三工位 开关控制器的方案,并给出了具体的电路图和程序 代码

  • Research on Token-Routing Technology High-speed Fiber Channel Switch Based on Reducing-frequency Code

    基于信令降频 方法的信令寻径式光纤 交换机的研究

  • Because the specific implementation is part of Spring 's powerful Inversion of Control container developers can easily switch between specific O / X implementations without making code changes .

    由于各个特定实现是Spring强大的InversionofControl容器的一部分,开发人员可以在多个特定O/X实现之间轻松 切换而无需修改 代码

  • Making of supply ciruit switch in code for domestic power

    家庭供电线路 密码 开关的制作

  • You can switch back and forth between data and code sections but when the program is assembled it will bring all of each section together into one unit .

    您可以在数据部分和 代码部分之间自由 切换,但当程序被汇编时,会将所有部分汇编到一起,组成一个单元。

  • Switch to the stored procedure editor ASSOC_PROC and pass the code between the cursor declaration and the cursor OPEN statement .

    切换到存储过程编辑器ASSOCPROC并传递进指针声明和指针“OPEN”语句之间的那些 代码

  • In Visual C + + . NET2003 Whole Program Optimization ( WPO ) was not supported for builds using the / clr switch but Visual C + + 2005 adds this capability for managed code .

    在VisualC++.NET2003中,全程序优化(WholeProgramOptimization,WPO)不支持使用/clr 开关构建,但VisualC++2005为托管 代码添加了这个功能。

  • Valve body # 1 ball check or LR switch valve sticking ( may also set code 50 or give no reverse )

    阀门体#1球状止回阀或者LR 开关阀门黏滞(可能也设置 代码50或者不倒退)

  • It then uses a technique known as On Stack Replacement ( OSR ) to switch to the execution of the new code .

    此时它会应用一项技术,即当前栈替换(OnStackReplacement,OSR),从而 切换到新 代码的执行上。

  • Double-click the Save button to create an event handler and switch to the code editor .

    双击保存按钮以创建一个事件处理程序并 切换代码编辑器。

  • Switch to the Code editor rather than the Visual editor .


  • The SPU intrinsics allow programs to freely switch among high-and low-level code but all within the semantic framework of the C language .

    SPUintrinsic让程序可以在高级和低级 代码之间自如地 切换,不过所有操作都要在C语言的语义框架之内进行。

  • The switch statement selects from among pieces of code based on the value of an integral expression .

    根据一个整数表达式的值, switch语句可从一系列 代码选出一段执行。

  • Our new tabbed editor allows you to switch between WYSIWYG and code editing instantly while writing a post .

    我们新的小片编辑器允许你在写文章时在WYSIWYG和 代码编辑之间即时 跳转

  • First you parse the ID from the XML structure returned from PHP then you use a switch statement to direct the error to the appropriate message or associated code .

    首先,从XML结构(从PHP返回的)中解析ID,然后使用一个 转换语句直接指向消息或者相关 代码

  • The recovery program using it can translate different switch structures into intermediate code in the same form .

    恢复程序可以根据这些信息将不同 开关结构转换成统一格式的中间 代码形式。

  • To Realize the Display of Tap Changing Switch for Main Transformer through Adding Code System Conversion Box on Panel Terminal

    在屏端子上加装 制转换盒实现主变压器分接 开关 位置显示

  • Probably the most contentious issue in GWT 's architecture is the switch to the Java language for client-side code .

    GWT架构中最具争议的问题可能就是在客户端 代码中对Java语言的 切换

  • Assign an IP on the RoCE switch and use route add or use the following code

    在RoCE 交换机上分配一个IP,并使用路由添加或使用以下 代码

  • Switch back to the TestServlet code and paste the address into the call to setEndpoint () and make the following modifications

    切换回TestServlet 代码并将地址粘贴到对setEndpoint()的调用,然后做如下修改

  • A pose test apparatus for cylinder parts with optical fiber switch and optical code sensor is designed . Th working principle is introduced and then the experiment of measuring the diameter of cylinder is made at last the analysis of measuring precision is given .

    设计出一种利用光纤 开关和光电 码盘测量圆柱类零件位姿的测量装置,介绍了测量装置的工作原理.进行了圆柱零件直径测量实验,并对测量精度进行了分析。

  • As a general rule anywhere constants are in use such as in places you are currently using the switch code to switch constants .

    一条普遍规则是,任何使用常量的地方,例如目前用 switch 代码切换常量的地方。

  • Click on the Source tab in the lower left corner of the editing area to switch to the XML code view in the Source editor .

    单击位于编辑区域左下角的Source选项卡,以 切换到Source编辑器中的XML 代码视图。

  • When a potential victim arrives via Google the criminals pull a switch redirecting the visitor to another page with bad code .

    当潜在受害者通过谷歌访问该网站时,犯罪分子进行一下 切换,就会将访问者重新引导向至另一个嵌入了恶意 代码的页面。

  • Tools to easily switch the queries used by those pages without touching the Web page code ( after your Web pages have accessed JPA data )

    在不涉及Web页面 代码的前提下,那些页面使用的能方便 改变查询的工具(在您的Web页面访问JPA数据以后)

  • The interface which provided by manufacturer is used to develop application program based on switch . The major problem is the complexity of program moreover the service code and the first floor code are mixed together so it is difficult to debug and maintain .

    基于 交换机的应用开发大都是用 交换机厂家所提供的接口来编程,最大的问题就是编程复杂,而且业务 代码和底层代码混合在一起,很难调试和维护。

  • However it is not possible to optimize a hardware context switch while there might be room for improving the current switching code .

    然而,不可能优化硬件上下文 切换,而改进当前的软件切换 代码还有空间。

  • The process of grasping the target language for learners and the one of teaching the native language for teachers can be called a process of learning and practicing how to switch code in English class .

    学习者学习目的语的过程,教师教授目的语的过程,可以说就是学习和实践如何进行语 转换的过程。