swing head

[swɪŋ hɛd][swiŋ hed]

[机] 摆动式压挤头

  • Use Motion Tracking to create a motion swing path behind a golfer 's club head .

    使用运动跟踪创建一个后面的球手的杆 议案 挥杆路径。

  • This paper introduces the researches on rotary and swing plastic spray head .

    介绍了旋转 摇摆 塑料 喷头的研究。

  • The Language of the Feet Gesture parameters include swing amplitude of head and arms splayfoot etc.

    姿态参数:有 、手臂 摆动幅度,8字脚等。

  • Don : watch me swing it around my head !

    唐:看我让它在我 摆动

  • Design of double swing cutter head based on direct drive motors

    基于力矩电动机的双 摆动设计

  • Ratchet wrench extension swing his arms stretch his neck and shake his head rapidly .

    手摇螺丝扳手接长节 摆手、伸直脖子和快速 摇头

  • Study to Swing of Hammer Head in Active Hammer Crusher

    活动锤式破碎机 锤头 偏转研究

  • A terrible swing of his club nearly caught Jack full on the top of his head .

    他猛 一挥大棒,差点儿击中杰克的 头顶

  • Researches on rotary and swing plastic spray head

    旋转 摇摆 塑料 喷头的研究

  • Even though he 's in full swing his head and body remain composed .

    即便是他正 发力的过程中,他的 和身体依然没有改变。

  • To make the robot examine key location completely and avoid ignoring some location this paper designs an electromagnetic agency to control the swing of robot head so as to enlarge the photographing range of robot then robot is able to examine lesion in different directions .

    为使机器人在肠道内能够对重点部位进行充分检查,防止漏检现像,设计一个电磁机构来控制 头部 摆动,扩大机器人摄像方位,因而可从不同方向观察病变部位。