switch sensor

[swɪtʃ ˈsɛnsɚ][switʃ ˈsensə]

[计] 开关传感器

  • A pose test apparatus for cylinder parts with optical fiber switch and optical code sensor is designed . Th working principle is introduced and then the experiment of measuring the diameter of cylinder is made at last the analysis of measuring precision is given .

    设计出一种利用光纤 开关和光电码盘 测量圆柱类零件位姿的测量装置,介绍了测量装置的工作原理.进行了圆柱零件直径测量实验,并对测量精度进行了分析。

  • The measurement of body 's inertial mass with the integrated hall switch sensor

    用集成 开关型霍尔 传感器测量物体的惯性质量

  • Furthermore two typical graphene NEMS devices namely microwave switch and pressure sensor are studied to investigate the characteristics in practical applications .

    进一步对两种典型的石墨烯NEMS器件,即毫米波 开关和压力 传感器,研究其在实际应用中的特性。

  • The use of single probe or float switch type sensor systems shall not be acceptable .

    只采用单个探头或浮控 开关 感应系统是不能接受的。

  • Integrated Hall switch sensor is one kind of magnetism-sensing switch based on Hall effect .

    集成 开关型霍耳 传感器是一种基于霍耳效应的磁敏开关。

  • Based on switch mode sensor of relative wind direction we present a kind of tracing wind fuzzy control system with constant sample cycle and variable control cycle .

    基于 开关式相对风向 传感器,提出一种固定周期采样、变周期控制的风向随动模糊控制系统。

  • The electrical interface and the electrical connection with PLC module of switch sensor

    开关 传感器电气接口及与PLC模块的电气连接

  • The method to measure body 's inertial mass is proposed by measuring period of vibration with the integrated hall switch sensor when spring oscillator is in situation of simple harmonic vibration .

    提出了在弹簧振子作简谐振动时,利用集成 开关 霍尔 传感器测量振动周期,以进一步测量物体惯性质量的方法。

  • This article introduced the advantages of the integrated Hall switch sensor special characteristic of measuring and its application in the physical experiment and automation supervision .

    介绍集成 开关 霍尔 传感器的优点、特性测量及其在物理实验和自动化监测中的应用。

  • Application of Integrated Hall Switch Sensor in the Measurement of the Object Moment of Inertia

    集成 开关 霍尔 传感器在测量物体转动惯量中的应用

  • This kind of molecules has potential applications in redox switch and chemical sensor .

    这种既有氧化还原功能又有主客体响应的化合物,在化学 传感器及氧化还原 开关方面具有潜在的应用前景;

  • Using IR temperature measurement technology a temperature real-time monitoring network for high voltage switch cabinet based on thermopile sensor is developed .

    利用红外测温技术,以热电堆 传感器测温 元件,研制针对高压 开关柜的温度实时监测网络。

  • Complex Press - switch Sensor

    复合式压力 开关 传感器

  • A new switch array sensor for setback acceleration

    新型后坐加速度 开关阵列 传感器

  • Study of Rigid Body Rotation Intertia Experiment Based on Hall Switch Sensor Again

    基于 霍尔 传感器刚体转动惯量实验的再研究

  • Development of Self Controlled Switch ( Sensor ) of Light Sources

    光源自控 开关传感器)的发展

  • Acceleration Switch And Rear Sensor Connections

    连接油门 开关和后 感知器

  • Development of the Instrument for Measurement of Magnetic - damped Coefficient and Sliding Friction Coefficient with Integrated Switch Hall Sensor

    霍尔 传感器法磁阻尼系数和动摩擦系数测定仪的研制

  • The switch sensor and the PLC load module matches and the connection analysis

    开关 传感器与PLC输入模块的配型和连接分析

  • In this paper switch sensor and pressure sensor which are fit for testing the braking situation are designed by studying sensors in the locomotive brake system deeply .

    对机车制动监测装置中的传感器作了较深入的研究,设计出了适用于机车制动状态检测的 开关 传感器和压力传感器。

  • The experiment used integrated hall switch sensor and Jonly balance in measuring obstinacy modulus offered a method of calculating the spring efficiency mass .

    该实验使用集成霍尔 开关 传感器,结合焦利氏秤用振动法求弹簧的倔强系数,并介绍了计算弹簧有效质量的一种方法。

  • The sensors including oil pressure sensor proximity switch flow sensor pullon the rope sensors current sensors gas concentration sensor power transducer ultrasonic liquid level sensor temperature sensor tension sensor .

    传感器有油压传感器、接近 开关传感器、流量 传感器、拉绳传感器、电流传感器、气体浓度传感器、功率变送器、超声波液位传感器、温度传感器、拉力传感器。

  • Automatic Weld tracking system is the use of contact microdrive switch sensor to check deviation signal and operated by one piece computer control system .

    所研究的焊缝自动跟踪系统,是利用接触式微动 开关 传感器检查偏差信号,并使用单片微机控制系统的工作。

  • A Switch Magnetic Sensor Under Low Magnetic Induction

    一种低 磁感应强度的 开关传感器

  • The Theory and Application of Switch - type Hall Sensor

    开关型霍尔 集成 传感器的原理与应用

  • The designed car which is controlled by16-bit MCU-SPCE061A under combining the infrared sensor ray sensor metal detector photoelectric switch quickly switch sensor is a kind of intelligent car .

    所设计的小车,是采用普通玩具小车和红外传感器、光敏元件、金属探测器、光电开关以及霍尔 元件相结合,通过16位 MCU-SPCE061A来调控的智能小车。

  • A new Welding scam deviation memory control method is put forward according to thedefects of inching switch arc welding tracking sensor .

    针对微动 开关式弧焊跟踪 传感器在现有应用上存在的不足,本文提出了一种新颖的焊缝偏差延时记忆控制方法。