systematic treatment

[ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk ˈtritmənt][ˌsistəˈmætik ˈtri:tmənt]

[医] 系统疗法

  • This paper provides a systematic treatment of a new theory and implement approach of special real assets capital investment valuation of firms under uncertainty .

    本文提供了关于 系统 处理不确定条件下企业专用实物资产投资估价问题的一种新的理论与实施方法。

  • But generally speaking ion import technology of percutaneous administration was safe and effective suitable for local and systematic treatment .

    但总的来说,药物经皮离子导入技术还是安全、有效的,适用于局部和 全身 治疗

  • Clinical aspects from the epidemiology dialectical etiology and pathogenesis governing the Law of Prescription in areas such as summary of diabetes in Treating Damp-heat in a more systematic treatment of rule-based rule-based .

    临床方面,从流行病学、辨证、病因病机、治法方药等方面进行总结,使糖尿病湿热证的论治更加 系统 治疗有章可循,有法可依。

  • Early stag rescue for primary injured brain trunk and complete systematic treatment

    原发性脑干损伤的早期抢救及综合 系统 治疗

  • Only a sophisticated and systematic treatment of translation education can lead to the development of successful translators .

    只有经验丰富的,并且 接受系统 翻译教育的人才能成为成功的翻译。

  • A systematic treatment of psychology and behavior is used to apply to anorexia nervosa in children .

    运用心理行为疗法对儿童神经性厌食症进行了 系统 治疗

  • Conclusion In order to improve the effect supervision should be strengthened systematic treatment plan for practicing physician be made and welfare be gradually improved .

    结论为改善项目效果,应加大项目的督导力度、为受聘执业医师制定 系统 培训计划并逐步提高 待遇等。

  • Conclusion : systematic treatment combined with Corporation of the patients are clinically effective .

    结论: 系统 治疗和患者的良好配合,可取得良好的临床疗效。

  • Frequency distribution of relevant surveyed items in the residents with positive history of knee osteoarthritis : Totally 119 cases ( 18.2 % ) accepted the systematic treatment .

    膝关节病史阳性者的相关调查项目频数分布接受 系统 治疗者119名,占18.2%。

  • Nursing of Systematic Treatment of Spinal Column Fracture by R-F Spondylous Screw

    R-F椎弓根螺钉 系统 治疗脊柱骨折的护理

  • Pre-hospital systematic treatment for patients with severe acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning

    重度急性有机磷农药中毒院前 系统 救治的研究

  • This requires standardized electronic medical records can reflect a systematic treatment accurate and detailed medical records and convenient query statistics .

    这就要求电子病历能够体现规范 系统 治疗档案、准确详尽的病历记载、方便快捷的查询统计。

  • Objective : To analyze the efficacy of various therapies on Perthes disease and summarize a systematic treatment strategy .

    目的:对儿童股骨头坏死的多种治疗方法进行分析评价,以总结出 系统 治疗方案。

  • Four is the tested data statistics and systematic treatment intelligent use of information technology in the vegetable quality supervision and a dynamic analysis and vegetables standardized production provides detailed and accurate reliable basis .

    四是对检测数据进行智能化统计和 系统 处理,利用信息技术对全市蔬菜质量实行动态监管和分析,为领导决策和蔬菜标准化生产提供细致、准确、可靠的依据。

  • Conclusion : The important factors to increase the cure rate are successful operation and postoperative systematic treatment .

    结论:手术成功是保证治愈的基础,手术前后 综合 治疗是提高治愈率的关键。

  • The patients were cured through systematic antiviral treatment .

    通过 抗病毒 治疗病人基本痊愈。

  • As a systematic treatment modality chemotherapy was attached more and more importance to using as synthetic treatment for esophageal cancer in recent years especially for pre-operation chemotherapy .

    化疗作为一种控制肿瘤的 全身 治疗手段近年来在食管癌的综合治疗中日益受到重视,尤其在术前化疗方面,已进行了很多的研究报道。

  • Conclusion In the systematic treatment of GPP Acitretin is superior to MTX in efficacy .

    结论在泛发性脓疱型银屑病的 系统 治疗中,糖皮质激素合用阿维A的疗效优于糖皮质激素合用MTX的疗效。

  • The systematic treatment process for rehabilitation after motor functional disorders was studied .

    对运动性功能障碍后的康复 治疗过程进行了 系统的研究。

  • It includes systematic treatment and topical treatment .

    他克莫司在皮肤科的应用有许多方面,可分为 系统 治疗和局部治疗。

  • Spontaneous degeneration means tumor shrinks automatically even disappears in the circumstance of rare or no systematic treatment .

    肿瘤的自然退化是指在极少甚至无 系统 治疗的情况下肿瘤自行缩小乃至消失的现象。

  • And more than 80 % of the patient did not accept the systematic treatment indicating that the cognition of community group to knee degenerative osteoarthrosis is still to be improved .

    另外超过80%的患者未接受 系统 治疗,提示说明社区人群对退行性膝关节炎的认知尚有待提高。

  • Teach the patient to insist of systematic treatment master timely intrauterine state of fetus .

    教育孕妇坚持孕期 系统 治疗,及时掌握胎儿在宫内的安危;

  • Methods 40 cases with primary injured brain trunk on early stage rescue and systematic complex treatment were analyzed .

    方法回顾分析本组40例原发性脑干损伤的早期抢救及 系统综合 治疗 措施。结果死亡19例,占475%;

  • Clinical Study of the Systematic Treatment on Stroke Patient The volume of cerebral infarction and its location were determined by TTC staining .

    出血脑梗死等脑卒中患者的临床分析与探讨用 TTC染色法观察鼠脑梗死部位和计算梗死体积。

  • At present there is not precise definition clear classification unite diagnostic standards and practicable systematic treatment project for FC in children .

    目前国内尚无儿童功能性便秘的确切定义,无明确分型,亦无统一诊断标准和 系统 治疗方案。

  • Methods : By adopting self-made observing bad action form ( according to BOS observing action form ) observe bad action of 100 chronic psychosis convalescence and make systematic behavior treatment .

    方法:采用自制不良行为观察量表(依据BOS行为观察量表制定),对100例慢性精神病康复期不良行为进行观察, 系统的行为 治疗

  • Objective To evaluate the feasibility safety and effectiveness of on-spot systematic treatment for the patients with severe acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning ( SAOPP ) .

    目的评价现场 系统 救治重度急性有机磷农药中毒(SAOPP)的可行性、安全性和有效性。

  • Chemotherapy as a systematic treatment for cancer can make up the deficiency of surgery and radiation and is widely used in cancer therapy .

    化疗是系全身 治疗,能弥补手术、放疗等局部治疗的不足,是常用的手术前后的辅助治疗。

  • Methods One hundred and seventy-four patients with the pre-hospital systematic treatment served as the treatment group while 160 patients going to the hospital by themselves without treatment or rejecting gastrolavage served as the control group .

    方法选择经过院前 系统 救治后接回医院的174例SAOPP患者作为治疗组,自行前往医院或拒绝院前洗胃者160例为对照组。