T fibers

[医] T形纤维

  • T_ ( eff ) can not be related to the perfect crystallites in the fibers and can be affected by PEG content heat-treated temperature and drawing ra - tio .

    T(?)与 纤维中较完善的晶粒没有必然的联系,而与PEG含量、热定型温度和拉伸比有关。

  • In T-shaped branching channel when the flow was laminar the movement of fibers is computed by Jeffery equation supposed the fiber was inertialess rigid cylinder particle . The simulated results are consistent qualitatively with the experimental data available in the literature .

    二维 T 分叉管道中,当流动为层流时,假设纤维是无惯性的圆柱状刚性粒子,利用Jeffery方程求解 纤维运动轨迹,数值模拟的结果与实验数据吻合较好。

  • T 2-and proton density weighted images often showed high-signaling of pontine transversal fibers ( 19 / 28 ) and middle cerebellar peduncles ( 12 / 28 ) .

    T2和质子密度加权像上常可见桥横 纤维(19/28)和小脑中脚(12/28)高信号。

  • There were rich collagen fibers in SAN which contained principally P-cells and T-cells .

    窦房结胶原 纤维丰富,结内主要有P、 T 细胞

  • The pathological changes of P cells T cells and atrial muscle cells in sinoatrial nodes after one-week exhaustive exercise were reduced whereas the stained intensity of collagen fibers was reinforced .

    1周力竭训练后窦房结内P细胞、 T细胞与心房肌细胞病理改变减轻,但胶原 纤维的染色强度增加。

  • Birefringence △ n is used to show whether or not the fibers of lens are in or-der .

    双折射系数△n用于表示晶状体 纤维排列的 有序与否、 透光 T直接 反应晶状体的 透光 能力

  • Trilobal swirl-shaped and T-shaped SiC fibers were prepared from precursor polymer .

    通过先驱体转化法,制备出三叶形、三折叶形和 T 截面碳化硅 纤维

  • The P cells and T cells inside the sinoatrial node atrial muscle cells and absorptance ( A ) value of cytoplasm in collagen fibers were detected with image analyzer .

    用图像分析仪检测窦房结内P细胞、 T细胞、心房肌细胞、胶原 纤维胞浆吸光度(A值)。

  • Analysis on Micropore Structure of Activated Carbon Fibers by t Plot

    活性炭 纤维微孔结构的 t图法分析

  • According to the theoretical model given in reference 1 the radii of curvature R and effect of the radii of various optical fibers on the optical attenuation ratio were calculated and the relative transmission T were deduced .

    本文按照文献1w_393所提供的理论模型,计算了各类 光纤(塑料、石英、玻璃光纤)的弯曲半径R, 光纤半径a对光纤传感器的光衰减率γ或光相对传输率 T的影响。