


  • Climatic Responses to Syzygial Variability of the Moon & A Dynamical and Statistical Study RESEARCH ON THE RELATION BETWEEN HEPATITIS INCIDENCE AND SYZYGY

    月亮朔望月周期在气候变化中的响应&一些动力学探讨及统计研究肝炎发病与 朔望月关系初探

  • Syzygy Theory of F.P. - Dimension


  • In the tidal difference daily variations there is a period of half lunar month of syzygy spring tides related to the phase of the moon .

    在潮差逐日变化的半个 望月的周期 ,有 朔望大潮, 与月相有关。

  • It is very useful when we study the complex and the functors of Ext and Tor . Since the notion of syzygy modules relative to (?)

    冲模是同调 代数中一个非常重要的概念,它在研究复形以及Ext和 Tor函子时都非常有用。

  • Conclusion : Brain palsy is suffer from an illness to possess the intimate barrier against the astronomy tide syzygy stage with goes up the last quarter stage brain palsy suffers from an illness overly else hour .

    结论脑卒中的发病与天文潮汐有密切关系, 朔望期和上下弦期脑卒中的发病 高于其余时期。

  • A result between W n - modules and n th syzygy modules

    关于 W~n-模和n 冲模的一个结果

  • This con ten is the syzygy motif and it expresses the fact that a masculine element is always paired with a feminine one .

    这个内容正是 回合主题,并且它表达了这样一个事实:阳性的元素总是伴随着一个阴性的因素。