

  • Martha 's Vineyard Times-His cherished Derby T3-909 Orvis rod and reel was lost somewhere between the gut and East Beach .

    马撒葡萄园岛时代他所珍视的 t3德比 -909 孤独棒辘损失介于肠道和东海滩。

  • Measure the voltage at TRS T3 sense circuit at relay connector .

    测量位于继电器接头的 TRST3感知电路的电压。

  • Purpose : To investigate the curative effect of T3 lesions of supraglottic carcinoma in our hospital and discuss the management of T3 lesions .

    目的:研究 T3声门上癌的治疗效果,讨论分析T3病变的临床处理方法。

  • T3 was created to work around flaws with the existing RMI implementation provided by Sun .

    创建 T3是为了处理Sun提供的现有的RMI实现的缺陷。

  • Results T3 level was significantly lower in patients with cerebral infarction than that of controls .

    结果脑梗死患者 甲状腺 T3 水平明显低于对照组。

  • With over t3 years of teaching experiences in a key high school located in Haidian district .

    曾在海淀区一所重点中学任教,有 3年多的教学经历;

  • Even putting aside the reality that we live in a DSL cable modem T1 even T3 world this argument is silly ( and that 's being kind ) .

    甚至把我们活在一个DSL、电缆调制解调器、T1甚至 T3世界的现实抛到一边,这种争论实在太愚蠢了(这已经够仁慈了)。

  • Additive DC injects into the T3 / precursor stream exiting the T3 Residence Time Pot .

    将添加剂DC加入到离开 T3滞留罐的T3/ 反应物混合流体中。

  • Requirements were programmed output t1 t2 t3 t4 time of memory free zone status .

    要求编程序分别输出t1、t2、 t3、t4时刻内存的空闲区的状态。

  • Analysis of Serum T3 to T4 Ratio in Graves ' Thyrotoxicosis and Subacute Thyroiditis

    血清 T3与T4的比值对Graves病甲亢与亚甲炎引起的甲状腺毒症的分析

  • Objective To observe the effects of zinc ( Zn ) on the character of liver nuclear T3 receptors in hypothyroid rats .

    目的探讨补锌对甲状腺功能低下大鼠肝细胞核 T3受体特性的影响。

  • Dominating the recent move in AIG stock were professional day traders like those at T3 .


  • Consider three tables T1 T2 and T3 .

    考虑3个表:T1、T2和 T3

  • Known as Terminal Three the new wing is designed to set a new standard in airport architecture .

    这一新的航站楼名为“ T3 航站 ”,为机场建设设立了新的标准。

  • Clinical significance of preoperative radiochemotherapy for T3 middle-low rectal cancer with anal sphincter preserving procedure

    T3 中低位直肠癌同步放化疗后行保肛手术的临床研究

  • The influence of the Beijing Capital International Airport T3 terminal construction on circumjacent rodent composition and density

    首都机场 T3航站楼建设工程对其周边鼠种构成及鼠密度影响的研究

  • Correlations between serum leptin levels and body composition in female patients with hyperthyroidism

    女性 甲亢患者血清瘦素水平与身体成分的相关性 T3 甲状腺 功能 亢进

  • Methods The levels of T3 T4 and TSH in98 patients suffering from chronic pulmonary heart disease were detected before and after treatment and compared with control group .

    方法分别测定98例肺心病患者急性发作期治疗前后血清 甲状腺激素水平并与对照组比较。

  • Retiring its T1 and deploying T3 subscriber line could spark stellar network performance as long as cost-effectiveness is not their top priority .

    只要成本问题不是他们的第一侧重点,停用T1专线并配备 T3专线会使网络性能特抢眼。

  • Recently the Beijing police had moved into the service station Che Kwun Capital Airport 's T3 terminal .

    最近,北京警方就把车管服务站搬进了首都机场的 T3航站楼。

  • At time t3 it 's there .

    时间为 t3时,它在这里。

  • Therefore yield parameters were improved and higher grain number per ear and grain yield per unit area were obtained by the fertilization method of T3 treatment .

    该处理产量性状得到改善,获得较高的穗粒数、 千粒重和单位面积产量。

  • Glutathione Provides Protection for Patients with T3 Stage Rectal Cancer During Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy

    谷胱甘肽对 T3期直肠癌新辅助化疗患者的保护作用

  • People are so used to technology that we forget it 's actually very expensive said Katherine Hannaford of T3 magazine .


  • Yet no rail linkage exists between Terminal Three and the existing terminals which are located quite a distance away across a wide road .

    然而, T3航站 和现有 航站楼之间距离相当远,却没有轨道交通连接。

  • Two stage T1 / T2 cases and two stage T3 cases were missed using the water-enema method .

    应用水灌肠以后,处于T1/T2阶段的患者有2例没有诊断出来,处于 T3期的有2例。

  • Whether the addition of para-aortic nodal dissection ( PAND ) to D2 lymphadenectomy for stage T2 T3 or T4 tumors improves survival is controversial .

    对T2、 T3以及T4期胃癌患者实施增加主动脉旁淋巴结清扫的D2根治术是否能提高生存率尚未达成共识。

  • In the above T1 is the fact table with FK-PK relationship with dimension tables T2 and T3 .

    其中,T1是与维表T2和 T3有FK-PK关系的事实表。