table format

[ˈtebəl ˈfɔrˌmæt][ˈteibl ˈfɔ:mæt]


  • Inspection takes table format which is to improve the efficiency of the inspection and reduce capacity needs of the inspectors .

    检查采用 表格形式,以提高检查效率,降低对检查人员能力的要求。

  • In addition after an in-place alter operation Enterprise Replication can still process the original log records and convert the rows in the original table format to the new table format .

    此外,在执行一个in-placealter操作后,EnterpriseReplication仍然可以处理初始的日志记录,并将初始 格式下的行转换为新的表格式。

  • For each fixture type this document explains the table format and fixture class structure and provides advice when to use and when not to use it .

    文档针对每一种fixture都解释了其 表格 格式和fixture的类结构,还为使用这种fixture的具体时机提供了意见。

  • Similarly before applying replication data a target server first converts replication data that is in mastered dictionary format to the local table dictionary format .

    类似地,在应用复制数据之前,目标服务器首先将主字典格式的复制数据转换为本地 字典 格式

  • You can edit the contents of the table and format the text in each cell .

    您可以编辑 表格中的内容, 设计每个单元的文本。

  • The Mappings tab is arranged in a table format in which each row in the table is an extension mapping .

    Mappings选项卡使用 表格 格式布局,表中的每一行都是一个扩展映射。

  • Reads a file in table format and creates a data frame from it with cases corresponding to lines and variables to fields in the file .

    表格 格式读入一个文件,并且创建一个数据集,其中样本对应行,变量对应文件中的列。

  • Unable to open the destination table ; generating format file for bulk insert task failed ! Make sure you have selected a destination table .

    无法打开目的 ;大容量插入任务的 格式文件生成失败!确保选择了目的表。

  • Test report form is required to be filled out according to the table format required by relevant documents .

    试验报告单要求按有关文件要求 表格 格式填写。

  • In fact it 's limited to MyISAM tables & a table format that doesn 't support foreign keys and thus may be of limited use .

    实际上,它仅限于MyISAM表&不支持外键的一种 格式,因此使用有限。

  • Tests that can easily be put into table format can potentially profit by using this method .

    如果能比较容易地做出这 表格,那么使用这种方法就很可能非常有效。

  • Objective To explore the effect of applicating shift reports in table format .

    目的探讨 格式交班报告在交班中的应用效果。

  • The target server converts the row data from the master dictionary format to the local table dictionary format before applying the data .

    目标服务器在应用数据之前,将行数据从主字典格式转换为本地 字典 格式

  • The output of ksh_timer will be sent to the screen in an easily readable table format ( examples are given later ) .

    kshtimer输出将以一种易于阅读的 表格 形式发送到屏幕(稍后给出相关示例)。

  • Every kind of problems existing in the management information system ( MIS ) for distribution network production including program design and table format were put forward .

    提出配网生产管理系统(MIS)应用中存在的各类问题,包括程序设计、 表单 格式方面。

  • The simplest way to do this is through an SQL function called XMLTABLE which concisely describes how to retrieve XML data in relational ( or table ) format .

    实现这个目的的最简单方法就是使用XMLTABLE的SQL函数,该函数可以准确地描述如何以关系(或 格式检索XML数据。

  • On truth table format and pre-processing in system restructure

    系统重构中真值 格式及预处理研究

  • You will show the data in both a table format and a list format .

    您将需要以 表格 形式和清单形式显示数据。

  • This section lists your quality objectives for a release in table format .

    该部分用 表格 形式列出了对于一次发布的质量目标。

  • Methods : To nurse the 11 cases of rebuilding thumb and finger by dissociating toe transplant of our hospital in re-operation and post-operatin and make the register through table format then to analyse blood vessel crisis at post-operation .

    方法:对我院11例行再造术的患者进行围手术期护理,自制观察 记录,对术后发生血管 危象分析。

  • When the testing program based on Lab Windows / CVI running the user usually interacts with system by filling the table with data . This paper discusses some methods to build up a practical program for filling the table with any format by using data files and database .

    在基于Labwindows/CVI的测试程序运行过程中,操作者经常使用填表的手段与系统进行交互,文中探讨了通过引用数据文件和数据库,针对多种 格式的填表内容,编制实用 填表程序的方法。

  • This method analyzes table format efficiently including coupling nesting combination and reuse of tables .

    有效地解决了 表格 格式分析,识别并处理了耦合、嵌套、合并、复用等情况。

  • Site users who have design permissions can create custom table formats and add them to the predefined table format list .

    具有设计权限的网站用户可以创建自定义表格格式,并将它们添加到预定义的 表格 格式列表中。

  • In view of the profit table presentation format is different the profit table showing a certain structural characteristics but different income items have in continuous and stability differences it gives us the possibility and conditions to more accurate assess company earnings quality .

    鉴于利润 呈报 格式的不同,利润表呈现出一定的结构特征,而不同的会计收益项目在持续上和稳定性上存在差异性,这将为我们更深入的挖掘公司盈余质量提供了可能和条件。

  • When you choose a table format from the list a preview of that format is shown in the preview box .

    当从列表中选择 表格 格式时,该格式的预览将显示在“预览”框中。

  • Okay fine if you want it in table format .

    好吧,如果你想要弄成 表格的话。

  • The paper has summarized and defined common problems in the title structural layers table format use of area unit wrongly written or mispronounced in agricultural sci-tech papers and analyzed them by combination practice with the investigation .

    总结阐述了农业科技文章中的文题、结构层次、 表格 编排、面积单位使用、错别字等方面常出现的问题,并结合实践和调查进行了分析。

  • Data modeling : A wrapper is responsible for mapping the data representation of remote query results into the table format as required by the federated engine .

    数据建模:包装器负责将远程查询结果的数据表示映射为联邦引擎所要求的 格式