


  • Assessment of Left Intraventricular Contractive Synchrony in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure Using Tissue Doppler Imaging

    组织多普勒对慢性心力衰竭左心室内收缩 同步 的研究

  • Because matches often require synchrony between disparate species it is no surprise that climate change creates mismatches .

    因为偶合通常需要不同物种之间的 同步 ,所以气候变迁会造成失合并不令人惊讶。

  • Research on the Method of Indicating Synchrony of Reproductive Phenology of Jatropha curcas

    麻疯树生殖物候 同步 的表示方法研究

  • Compared with standard PS NAVA can improve patient – ventilator synchrony in intubated spontaneously breathing intensive care patients .

    和标准的PS相比, NAVA能够改善气管插管自主呼吸患者 人机 同步

  • Systematic analyses of long-term data document shifting migration routes and earlier departures and arrivals as well as suggesting a loss of synchrony between the migrant and its food source .

    对长期观测数据的系统分析后,迁徙路线的改变和到达或离开时间的提前得到了证明,并提出 迁徙物种和它们的食物来源 同时减少。

  • Modification the Synchrony Coefficient for Mutation Rate Calculating in Bacterial Population

    突变率计算中细菌群体 生长 同步系数的修正

  • Evaluation of the Left Ventricular Systolic Function and Synchrony in Patients with Myocardial Infarction Using Real-time-three-dimensional Echocardiography

    实时三维超声心动图对心肌梗死后左室收缩功能及其 同步性评价

  • Axis-angle Synchrony Sampling and Application Research in Autopilot Servo System

    轴角 同步采集及在舵伺服系统应用研究

  • Further studies should aim to determine the clinical impact of this improved synchrony .

    还需要更多的研究这种 人机 同步 改善后对临床的影响。

  • Synchrony heterogeneity : There 's almost always a need to support both synchronous and asynchronous interactions between applications .


  • To assess the effects of ventricular hypertrophy on left ventricular diastolic motion synchrony and diastolic function by tissue Doppler imaging ( TDI ) technique .

    评价左心室肥厚对左心室运动舒张 协调 和功能的影响。

  • RT-3DE and STI evaluation of left ventricular myocardial systolic synchrony in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy

    实时三维超声心动图和超声斑点追踪技术评价扩张型心肌病左心室收缩 同步

  • Assessment of the Systolic Synchrony of Left Ventricular Wall in Chronic Heart Failure Patients by Tissue Velocity Imaging

    应用组织速度成像技术评价慢性心力衰竭患者左室收缩 同步

  • The dining problem of the philosophers is a typical subject of synchrony .

    哲学家进餐问题是典型的 同步问题。

  • Effects of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy on Diastolic Synchrony of Left Ventricular Motion Evaluated by Myocardial Tissue Doppler Imaging

    心肌组织多普勒成像技术评估左心室肥厚对左心室运动舒张 协调 的影响

  • A Cross-Cultural Study of Synchrony to the Development of Children 's Theory of Mind

    儿童心理理论发展 同步 的跨文化研究

  • Objective To assess left intraventricular contractive synchrony in patients with congestive heart failure by tissue Doppler imaging ( TDI ) .

    目的用组织多普勒(TDI)研究慢性充血性心力衰竭(心衰)患者左室内收缩 同步

  • Relationship between entire ventricular contraction synchrony and electrocardiography in patients with chronic heart failure

    慢性心力衰竭患者左右心室收缩 同步 与心电图关系研究

  • In other words the programming model that you use to invoke a Web service usually determines the synchrony of the call and not the network protocol .

    换句话说,用来调用Web服务的编程模型通常确定调用的 同步 ,而不是网络协议。

  • Information transfer and bearing media in the synchrony space-time .


  • Assessment of Left Ventricular Synchrony of the Patients with Chronic Heart Failure by Tissue Doppler Imaging and Speckle Tracking Imaging

    组织多普勒与斑点追踪技术对慢性心力衰竭患者的左室收缩 同步 的临床研究

  • AIM To evaluate the influence of pacing in right ventricular septum ( RVS ) and right ventricular apex ( RVA ) on pacing parameter and biventricular electrical synchrony .

    目的评估右室间隔部起搏和右室心尖部起搏对起搏参数和双心室电 同步 的影响。

  • Assessment of systolic synchrony and longitudinal movement of left ventricle in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy using tissue tracking

    组织追踪法评价肥厚型心肌病左室收缩 协调 和纵向运动功能

  • Echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular systolic sequence and synchrony during pacing at variant right ventricular sites

    右室不同部位起搏时左室收缩时序及 同步 的超声研究

  • Light is a wave composed of coupled electric and magnetic fields oscillating in synchrony at very high frequencies .

    光是一种由电场与磁场耦合在 一起进行高频 同步振荡所形成的波。

  • A movie camera that records sounds in synchrony with the visual images .

    和影象同期录制声音的电影 摄象机

  • Research on Dynamical Models and Mechanisms of Spatially Structured Population Synchrony

    空间结构种群 同步 的动态模型与机理研究

  • This paper has tested and analyzed the structure environment historical types of economic ethics from the perspectives of synchrony and diachrony .

    文章从 和历时性两个角度论证和分析经济伦理系统的结构、环境和历史类型。

  • Whether the synchrony can be used as an index for the qigong state still needs further study .

    但这种 反映 同步 相关 系数是否可以作为其 特征 的指标尚有待于进一步研究。