synchronization monitor

[计] 同步控程序

  • The Realization of Time Synchronization with IRIG-B in Digital Protection and Monitor Devices

    IRIG-B码 对时在保护 测控装置中的实现

  • Another option would be to use a synchronization primitive such as Monitor or a mutex to ensure that all future events are queued until the current handler has finished executing .

    另外一些可选的原始 同步对象就是 Monitor或mutex去确保所有将来的事件被排队直到当前的事件处理函数执行完成。

  • It is composed of four parts : message gateway data center management system data synchronization tool and connection status monitor tool .

    数据集成系统的实质是一个消息处理器,可以把它划分为中间件的范畴,由消息网关、数据中心管理系统、数据 同步工具和连接状态 监控工具4部分组成。

  • Design and implementation of signal message searching duplication and synchronization algorithm in SS7 monitor system

    检测系统中信令查重及 同步算法设计与实现

  • The unit has many advantages such as synchronization on-line real-time and high precision for measuring phasor and recording wave it realizes the monitor and control of stable electric power system operation .

    装置的相角测量、故障录波具有 同步、在线、实时、精度高等优点,实现了对电力系统稳定运行的 监视和控制。

  • The data analyze node can implement the high-speed output of working records and the synchronization of data through Ethernet communication of central monitor node and uniformly manages the working records using database .

    数据分析结点通过与中心 监测结点的以太网通讯实现海量行车记录的高速导出和 数据 同步,并使用数据库对行车记录进行统一管理。

  • Net off synchronization to ensure interruption of the network is not the loss of essential video data matrix output function allows users to more easily monitor the video viewing .

    断网 同步 功能保证在网络中断的情况下不丢失重要视频数据,矩阵输出功能使用户更方便的观看 监控录像。

  • In thread-completion synchronization a resource monitor looks at concurrent threads and synchronizes the execution of the tasks while accessing that resource .

    在线程完成 同步中,资源 监控器会检查并发的线程,然后同步这些任务的执行,同时访问该资源。

  • Research and Application of Time Synchronization Technology in Network Monitor

    网络 监控中时间 同步技术研究与应用

  • For external resources this approach is an extension of data-arrival synchronization where the monitor status is the data and the listener brings in the data to the thread executing in current JVM .

    对于外部资源,这个方法是数据到达 同步机制的扩展,其中 监控器状态是数据,监听器会把数据传递给当前JVM中执行的线程。