synchronous interface

[ˈsɪŋkrənəs ˈɪntɚˌfes][ˈsɪŋkrənəs ˈintəfeis]


  • Synchronous Equipment Timing Physical Interface

    同步设备定时物理 接口

  • Several schemes of implementing fiber-optic digital synchronous interface and fiber-optic spire are discussed .

    文中介绍了几种光纤数字 同步 接口和光端机的实现方案,并比较了它们的性能、实现的难易程度,提出一种可靠灵活的方案。

  • FPGA Implementation of Special Synchronous Serial Communication Interface Circuit

    专用 同步串行通信 接口电路的FPGA实现

  • To set this qualifier to True you must call the service through a synchronous interface .

    要将这个修饰符设置为True,您必须通过一个 同步 接口来调用这个服务。

  • AOS Frame Synchronous Transceiver Driver and Interface Application Program Design Based on PCI Bus

    基于PCI总线的AOS帧 同步收发器驱动程序与 接口应用程序设计

  • Taking the further development of the IP telephone terminal into account the EBU interface may have been used . The synchronous serial interface ( SSC ) can be used instead of the EBU .

    考虑到可能会对本文所设计的IP电话终端进行进一步开发,主芯片的EBU接口可能有其他用途,这时可以用串行 同步 接口(SSC)来代替EBU.。

  • This paper designs a controller with DSP ( TMS320F2812 ) as the main control chip and introduces the IGBT drive circuit thyristor drive circuit voltage synchronous signal circuit man-machine interface . It also describes the system software process and ways to trigger PWM signal generation .

    本文设计了基于DSP(TMS320F2812)主控芯片的控制器,分别介绍了IGBT驱动电路、晶闸管驱动电路、电压 同步信号电路、人机交互 界面;介绍了系统的硬件结构以及PWM触发信号生成方式。

  • It has many advantages such as an universal digital transportation system synchronous multiplex multiple network management and tandard optical interface .

    它具有统一的数字传输体制, 同步复用,网管丰富规范,标准光 接口等优点。

  • The Ultrasonic Imaging System is made up of probe excitation circuit receiving and processing circuit synchronous control circuit interface circuit and computer .

    超声内窥镜成像系统主要由超声探头激励电路、回波信号接收处理电路、 同步控制电路、 接口电路以及计算机构成。

  • Designed a general SRAM controller with synchronous interface and programmable ability .

    对通用SRAM控制器的 接口采用 同步化设计并增加了可编程能力,降低了设计开发难度,缩短了系统开发周期。

  • This paper presents a method of the I2S standard audio data and ITU-R656 format digital video signal processing through synchronous serial port and parallel peripheral interface in DSP .

    介绍了一种采用DSP的 同步串口和并行外设 接口,对I2S标准音频数据和ITU-R656格式数字视频信号进行处理的方法。

  • In the paper the method of synchronous multi-cycle frequency-measurement with SCM is also discussed including the Synchronous interface circuit and the measurement principle .

    此外,阐述了利用单片机实现多周期同步法测量频率的方法,包括 同步 接口电路设计和测量原理。

  • An 8-channel synchronous serial interface card is designed based on PCI ( Peripheral Component Interconnection ) with PCI 9052 as its bus control chip .

    设计的基于外围部件互连(PCI)总线的 同步串口卡以PCI9052为总线控制芯片。

  • The synchronous controller has connected PC and through the interface RS-five 485 bus connections output voltage inverter frequency inverter control motor speed communication realizing the synchronization control .

    同步控制器通过RS-232串行接 接口连接上位PC机,通过RS-485总线控制变频器的输出电压频率,调节电动机转速,实现对系统的同步控制。

  • The synchronous request connection between the originating System Interface and the Mediator is then closed .

    原始系统 接口和中介间的 同步请求连接随后关闭。

  • Design and Realization of Three Kinds of Synchronous Interface in Fiber-optic Current Differential Protection

    3种 同步 接口在光纤纵差保护中的设计实现

  • Synchronous digital hierarchy ( SDH ) network interface adapter is the necessary device for the communication between the user computer and ATM network .

    SDH网络 接口适配器是用户与ATM网络进行交互所需要的一种网络接口设备。

  • So synchronous high-level communicating interface is used to hide the heterogeneity of the lower-level and improve the reliability of message delivery .

    因此,有时需要用以 同步模式进行通信的高层 接口来隐藏异构性以及提高消息传输的可靠性。

  • High-Speed RS-485 Synchronous Bus Interface Formed by PLD

    用PLD构成高速RS&485 同步总线 接口

  • A combined high voltage electronic transducer based on synchronous interface

    一种基于 同步 接口的组合电子式高压互感器

  • Now the production of DSP generally integrates synchronous serial interface . In practical application system of DSP the expansion of external circuit for realizing UART function .

    现在生产的DSP芯片一般都集成了 同步串行 接口,在实际的DSP应用系统中,为了实现UART功能,必须通过外电路的扩展来完成。

  • At present domestic research about serial interface is generally on a single serial interface such as synchronous or asynchronous serial interface . The synchronous / asynchronous serial interface with both synchronous and asynchronous function is unusual .

    目前国内关于串口的研究一般是单一的 同步或异步 串口,而将同步和异步功能集成在一起的同/异步串口并不多见。

  • SDH ( Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ) has some primary advantages such as synchronous multiplexing standard optical interface and strong network management compared with PDH ( Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy ) .

    同步数字体制(SDH)与传统的伪同步数字体制(PDH)相比,有三大核心优势,即 同步复用、标准光 接口和强大的网管能力。

  • The memory spaces configuration synchronous serial interface ( SSI ) serial communications interface ( SCI ) host port of the DSP system are summarized .

    概述了DSP系统的存储器空间设置、 同步串行 接口、串行通讯接口、主接口的特点;

  • Design of 8 - channel synchronous serial interface card based on WDM

    基于WDM模式的八 串口卡驱动程序开发

  • Resolver and DSP Synchronous Serial Interface Realizing Estimation of Rotor Position

    旋转变压器与DSP 同步串行 实现电机转子位置的观测

  • Local modules can be encapsulated as nodes of GALS system by the way of handshake protocol circuit based on four-phase single-track protocol . STG ( Signal Transition Graph ) of synchronous to asynchronous read-write conversion interface has been established through the method of Petri net .

    基于四相单轨协议,建立了 同步异步读写转换 接口的信号转换图,采用单元电路和petrify综合方法设计实现了异步握手接口电路。

  • Fiber-optic current differential relays should be provided with a fiber-optic digital synchronous interface when directly connected .

    光纤纵差保护装置采用直连方式时需配置光纤数字 同步 接口

  • S & Generates synchronous client interface only

    s&仅生成 同步客户机 接口