



  • Now a team can use any SCM system and the Akshell tool for synchronizing local files with Akshell .

    现在团队可以使用任何SCM系统和Akshell工具来与Akshell的本地文件进行 同步

  • You can use one of the following methods for replicating and synchronizing databases .

    可以使用下列方法之一来复制和 同步?数据库。

  • This section focuses on synchronizing the existing nodes with the newly created deployment manager .

    本节将 同步现有的节点与新创建的部署管理器。

  • A system in which timing is derived through synchronizing characters at the beginning of each message .

    一种数据传输方法,其中,通过每个报文开头的 同步字符来获得定时信号。

  • Contains commands for synchronizing objects with the mobile device .

    包含与移动设备进行对象的 同步 处理的命令。

  • The latest refinements improve synchronizing model and code information when roundtripping capabilities too .

    最近的改进还提高了 同步化的模型以及代码信息。

  • There 's a loophole when synchronizing on a mutable field however which can break down mutual exclusion .

    然而,易变域的 同步中会有一个漏洞,它可能破坏互斥。

  • At present in control systems it is usual to broadcast time for synchronizing computers in the local network .

    目前各种控制系统中,通常采用广播 时的 方式,对同一网络内的计算机进行时间 同步

  • Figure 5 illustrates the HADR processes synchronizing a primary and standby system .

    图5演示了 同步主系统和备用系统的HADR过程。

  • In video recording a state in which the playback system is in synchronism with the external synchronizing pulses .

    在录象技术中,放象系统与外 同步脉冲处于同步的一种状态。

  • An example is synchronizing the system time to a Network Time Protocol ( NTP ) server and then synchronizing the hardware clock to the system time .

    使系统时间与NetworkTimeProtocol(NTP)服务器同步然后让硬件时钟和系统时间 同步就是一个这样的例子。

  • The code-centric workflow promotes agile development by synchronizing the code and model to improve the development and documentation of the code .

    代码中心的工作流通过 同步 代码和模型,以提高代码的开发和记录,从而促进了灵活开发。

  • It also discusses methods for synchronizing repository changes across products performing impact analysis and configuring traceability .

    还讨论如何跨产品 同步存储库更改、执行影响分析和配置可跟踪性。

  • This article looked at a number of different methods for synchronizing files .

    本文讨论了几种不同的文件 同步方法。

  • You have stopped synchronizing this file .

    您已停止对此文件的 同步 处理

  • Synchronizing with alternative synchronization partners is not supported .

    不支持与替代同步伙伴的 同步

  • Setting up rsync is beyond the scope of this article but once configured transferring and synchronizing the information is straightforward .

    如何对rsync进行设置,这超出了本文的范围,但在完成了相应的配置工作之后,进行信息的传输和 同步就非常简单了。

  • You could use a Web container but it needs its own way of synchronizing and limiting threads .

    您可以使用Web容器,但它需要自己的 同步和限制线程数量的方式。

  • A key aspect of a replicated storage device is an efficient method for synchronizing data between nodes .

    复制存储设备的一个关键因素是节点之间数据 同步的方法是否高效。

  • The persistence context is responsible for synchronizing the managed object state with the entity state stored in the database .

    持久上下文负责将托管对象状态与数据库中存储的实体状态进行 同步

  • Updating the application on the node by synchronizing the configuration and restarting the stopped cluster members on that node .

    通过 同步配置和重新启动该节点上停止的集群成员来更新该节点上的应用程序。

  • Synchronizing these attacks may be difficult in the fog of war

    迷雾一样的战争中可能很难 同时发动这些攻击。

  • A new cycle commences on April4th synchronizing with the new moon .

    新的周期从4月4号开始,和 新月 同时

  • Danfoss Motion Controller has enhanced custom orientating program function and high precision of synchronizing control property .

    丹佛斯的运动控制器有很强的用户定制编程功能和高精度的 同步控制特性。

  • The picture and synchronizing signals in television or refers to equipment handling such signals .

    电视图象和 同步信号,或处理这些信号的设备。

  • The rsync tool can be an effective way of copying and synchronizing files especially over slower links .

    对于复制和 同步文件,尤其是在较慢的连接中,rsync工具可能是一种有效的方法。

  • The NTP protocol is used for synchronizing the time ( the clock ) between computers .

    NTP协议用于 同步多台计算机的时间(时钟)。

  • Now synchronizing mobile device data with desktop computer data .

    正在对移动设备和桌面计算机上的数据进行 同步 处理

  • You can stay up to date automatically by synchronizing using a schedule .

    您可以通过使用日程安排进行 同步来自动保持为最新。

  • IResource records the state of resources and offers methods for synchronizing with the file system .

    IResource记录资源的状态,并提供与文件系统 同步的方法。