synchronous field

[ˈsɪŋkrənəs fild][ˈsɪŋkrənəs fi:ld]

[电] 同步磁场

  • The improvement above is verified by typical functions respectively . Finally the response surface method optimization of double stator permanent magnet synchronous generator prototype electromagnetic field calculation and research on prototype are presented .

    对于以上改进分别给出了函数验证。最后,对双定子永磁 同步发电机进行了响应面优化设计、样机电机 电磁场计算以及样机的试验研究。

  • Design of a Fully Superconducting Synchronous Motor Analysis of Magnetic Field in Superconducting Synchronous Machines

    全超导 同步电动机的设计超导同步电机的 磁场分析

  • Entire diseases can be spontaneously cured without medicament if only the human bio-field is coordinated to be synchronous with the Universal Unified Field .

    只要人体生物场被调整到和宇宙统一 同步,所有病都可以不药而愈。

  • Application of Multi-angle Synchronous Inversion in the Gas Field Development in the West of South China Sea

    多角度 同步反演在南海西部 气田开发中的应用

  • Then a detailed analysis of permanent magnet synchronous motor rotor field oriented space vector pulse width modulation technique principle and control strategy is given . In the MATLAB environment design the functional modular of the voltage space vector control and implement simulation .

    其次,详细分析了永磁 同步电机转子 磁场定向电压空间矢量脉宽调制技术的原理,采用的控制策略,基于MATLAB环境,对电压空间的矢量控制进行功能模块化设计,实现仿真。

  • Using Flux Method to Calculate Magnetic Torque of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Analytical Calculation of Magnetic Field and Electrical Magnetic Torque in Brushless DC Motor

    利用磁通法计算永磁 同步电机电磁转矩无刷直流电动机气隙 磁场及电磁转矩的分析计算

  • Adjusting speed system of synchronous motor is widely used in the field of high-power electric drive .

    在大功率电力传动 场合同步电动机调速系统的应用十分广泛。

  • The FEL with a Synchronous Spiral Resonant Cavity Electro-Magnetic Field for Energy Compensation of Electrons

    同步螺旋谐振腔 电磁场作能量补偿的自由电子激光

  • This paper introduces in detail the application of phase - locked loop in many phase synchronous trigger in conversion field and the design method of six-phase synchronous trigger .

    本文着重介绍锁相环在变流 领域中的多相 同步触发器中的应用。

  • On the basis of theoretical analysis of field oriented speed regulation system of AC AC frequency variable synchronous motor this paper presents the model of AC AC converter synchronous motor and field oriented control system .

    在交交变频磁链定向控制调速系统理论分析的基础上,建立了交交变频器、气隙 磁链定向控制系统以及 同步 电机的数学模型。

  • Compared to three-phrase synchronous generator the difficult of single phase synchronous generator is that the magnetic field of armature reaction is pulsating .

    单相 同步发电机与三相同步发电机比较,其主要难点在于其电枢反应 磁场为脉振的。

  • The constructing method and the parameters of the liquefied soil foundation of freeway treated with the synchronous blast-enlargement were obtained by field tests and relative analysis to verify the theory and model test .

    为了获得 同步爆扩法处理高速公路液化土地基的实施方法和参数,验证理论及模型试验研究成果,采用 现场试验和对比分析相结合的研究方法对其进行研究。

  • The synchronous machine based on Field Programmable Gate Array ( FPGA ) is combined with the integrate circuit and transistor to realize multiplex pulse and step-signals synchronized with input signal .

    同步机以 FPGA为核心,与集成电路、晶体管分立元件相结合,实现对输入脉冲触发转换、脉冲成形以及驱动输出,最终产生多路同步触发信号。

  • The paper introduces a three phase frequency conversive dephasing programmed power source which can work as synchronous generator field power source and stresses the working principle of signal synthesis circuit in the central link well as the function of 8098 computer on slice .

    介绍了一种作为 同步发电机 励磁电源的三相变频移相程控电源,着重说明了电源的中心环节信号合成电路的工作原理和8098单片机的作用。

  • The monostable time delay circuit 、 pulse steeping circuit and anti interference technique are used in the synchronizer the synchronous problem of microsecond level pulsed magnetic field and the nanosecond level accelerator is solved the delay time can be changed in the range of 100 μ s.

    同步器采用单稳态延时电路、脉冲陡化电路和抗干扰技术,解决了微秒级脉冲 磁场与纳秒级主机的 同步问题, 同步延时在100μs范围内可调。

  • The results of synchronous fluorescence showed that pulsed electric field exerted its effects on the emission fluorescence spectrum and reduced the fluorescence intensities of the tyrosine and tryptophan side chains .

    同步荧光光谱研究表明,脉冲 电场对牛血清白蛋白的发射荧光光谱 强度产生影响,降低了处于其活性部位的色氨酸和酪氨酸残基的发射荧光强度。

  • Study of No Load EMF Harmonics of Synchronous Generator Considering Field Current Harmonics

    计及 励磁电流谐波的 同步发电机空载电势分析

  • Electromagnetic Design of Alternating Current Excitation Motors with the Effect of Harmonic ; Study of No Load EMF Harmonics of Synchronous Generator Considering Field Current Harmonics

    考虑谐波后的交流励磁电动机的电磁设计计及 励磁电流谐波的 同步发电机空载电势分析

  • Excitation system generally consists of two parts part of the excitation power unit it is synchronous generator field winding to provide DC excitation current ;

    励磁系统一般由两部分组成,一部分是励磁功率单元,它向 同步发电机的 励磁绕组提供直流励磁电流;

  • Linear Synchronous Motor magnetic field and Force FE Simulation Analysis

    直线 同步电动机 磁场及力的有限元仿真分析

  • Study on harmonics of supply net of cycloconverter synchronous motor field oriented control system

    交交变频 同步电机 矢量控制系统供电电网谐波分析

  • Ethernet and Synchronous Measurement System of Physical Field of Sea Based on Virtual Instrument

    基于虚拟仪器的海洋物理 分布式 同步测量系统

  • The Start-up of Synchronous Motor The analysis and method of synchronous field flashing

    同步电动机的 起动分析及方法

  • An inductor alternator is a special kind of synchronous generator in which Both the field and the output winding are on the stator .

    感应式交流发电机是一种特殊的 同步发电机,其 电场及输出线圈皆在整流器上。

  • The function and properties of synchronous precessing electro - magnetic field in FEL in longitudinal uniform field

    同步旋进电磁场在纵向均匀 磁场自由电子激光中的作用和性质

  • Program Design of Long-stator Linear Synchronous Motor 's Magnetic field Analysis

    长定子直线 同步电机 磁场分析软件设计

  • This paper describes the test technology about distortions and the measurement results of antenna reflector of synchronous satellite under nonuniform temperature field in vacuum .

    本文介绍了 同步卫星天线反射器在真空非均匀温度 的变形试验技术及其测量结果。

  • The Magnetic Solution of the Synchronous Sphere-symmetric Static SU_2 Gauge Field

    同步球对称静态SU2规范 磁性解

  • This paper presents a design method of fuzzy parameter PID adaptive controller applied to the synchronous generator SCR field system according to the property of the synchronous generator .

    本文根据同步发电机的运行特点,提出了一种适用于 同步发电机 励磁系统的模糊参数自适应PID控制器的设计方法。